The one cloud contains all your clouds
Cloudpods manages not only on-premise KVM/baremetals, but also resources from many cloud accounts across many cloud providers. It hides the differences of underlying cloud providers and exposes one set of APIs that allow programatically interacting with these many clouds.
Cloud Native
Running in Kubernetes and managed by a Kubernetes Operator.
Private Cloud
A light-weight private cloud that manages KVM hypervisor in scale.
A BareMetal cloud that automates the full life-cycle management of baremetal physical machines.
Multi-cloud management that is able to manage a wide range of cloud providers, including private cloud and public clouds.
Multi-Cloud K8s
Deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters in multi-cloud environment.
A complete multi-tenancy RBAC-enabled IAM (identity and access management) system.
Cloud SSO
Cloud SSO that allows accessing native webconsole of cloud providers with unified federated identities.
Access Cloudpods with an efficient and productive command line tool climc
Unified APIs
One set of feature-rich APIs to access a wide range of resources from heterogeneous cloud providers with consistent models and APIs.
Supported Platforms and Technologies
Who are using Cloudpods?
Please check this GitHub issue for the user list of Cloudpods.
Organization Contributors
Thanks to the following organizations for their development contributions to Cloudpods