发布时间 2021-08-27 13:13:35
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
43 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.8.0 since this release.
Apigateway (2)
- cors: rename spec field name to corsHosts (cd564101, Yousong Zhou)
- allow setting cors_hosts (15fa2b1a, Yousong Zhou)
Bug Fixes (19)
- default policy name should be separated by dash (3f6cfc3b, Qiu Jian)
- raid plugin: raid status fix (ad345043, zhaoxiangchun)
- update vendor (aa530864, Qiu Jian)
- update process.total name (c182e81f, zhaoxiangchun)
- update system commonalert param (069f1da9, zhaoxiangchun)
- update raid-plugin image tag (557553bd, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudmon timeout fix (f5e1f649, zhaoxiangchun)
- make system roles private (9376cb61, Qiu Jian)
- access_url of common service config (d3ffcfdd, Zexi Li)
- fail to init policy (07c0408f, Qiu Jian)
- update vendor (0dcc5d2c, Qiu Jian)
- build: update vendor (f18a9247, Zexi Li)
- cloudmon: crond commond fmt err (98a21dc6, zhaoxiangchun)
- glance: comment s3 switch logical (be1c5c99, Zexi Li)
- glance: s3 endpoint should use domain resolve (0f5438f5, Zexi Li)
- minio: disable minio component when status is fail (6b951487, Zexi Li)
- monitor: raid卡监控规则status过滤参数调整 (ffe5273c, zhaoxiangchun)
- operator: modify crontab default interval (977e222e, zhaoxiangchun)
- region: let region server system init resources only once (233c6fb8, Zexi Li)
Features (15)
- add process common alert policy (218503c9, zhaoxiangchun)
- init devtool script and ansible reference for devtool (ff793ee9, rainzm)
- deploy minio (cb8e7275, Zexi Li)
- support jdcloud monitor metric (18fdf834, zhaoxiangchun)
- support HuaweiCloudStack rds metric (009e560d, zhaoxiangchun)
- build: support multi arch docker image (0343a329, Zexi Li)
- cloudmon: support HuaweiCloudStack metric (cf4989a3, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudmon: add storage monitor metric config and modify cloudmon config infection func (27f1f15b, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudmon: update cloudmon component image info (7a390f57, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudmon: add cloudmon alertrecord crontab (16d16e59, zhaoxiangchun)
- crd: support inject imagePullSecrets (9ee00e53, Zexi Li)
- glance: add minio support (e37d8b6a, wanyaoqi)
- k8s: enable kubeserver (90ccd614, Zexi Li)
- monitor-stack: add monitor stack component (dee274f1, Zexi Li)
- operator: set default resources limits for each component (38914e4c, Zexi Li)
Others (6)
- update vendor (f0b98aaf, Qiu Jian)
- feat:add jdcloud rds metric (a113f843, zhaoxiangchun)
- update manifest version to v3.7.5 (87770c07, Zexi Li)
- update vendor (ba527add, rainzm)
- Add cloudproxy (9c6aceeb, Yousong Zhou)
- update vendor (5af2ebd5, Qiu Jian)
Vendor (1)
- bump to current tip of release/3.7 (e85056c5, Yousong Zhou)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-service-operator
1 commits to cloudpods-service-operator - v3.8.0 since this release.
Features (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard
516 commits to dashboard - v3.8.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (126)
- dashboard public default config (88aea0f0e, mj)
- cdn action (f272a5cae, Qu Xuan)
- add cdn permission (dd8f3a13a, Qu Xuan)
- cdn menu and permission (c5e1a88ee, Qu Xuan)
- menu icon (f7c4d4465, dongliping)
- cdn domain info (af59ec05e, Qu Xuan)
- webapp status (8c5a269ba, mj)
- webapp and i18n (83daec04e, mj)
- 账单访问信息引用字段错误,应为关联账号 (dab853cc5, mj)
- azure dtu (59527a01e, Qu Xuan)
- webapp (3ed7f2db4, mj)
- add OWNERS (0bc7bc257, Zexi Li)
- nas create fix (b69000ff7, Qu Xuan)
- nas misc fix (0cef00e75, Qu Xuan)
- enable hcso saml auth (5b6bcb2ee, Qu Xuan)
- variable errors when list without details (d516ad3e8, Qiu Jian)
- action policy (2191e10fe, Qu Xuan)
- misc fixed for cloudbox (a2842b754, Qiu Jian)
- access group details (32f6da42d, Qu Xuan)
- format gb for nas capacity (67e260957, Qu Xuan)
- change route global config repeat relod (d3537b948, mj)
- update redis status i18n (fc8e452a1, mj)
- 修复主机创建系统盘容量检测问题 (a56bec06d, mj)
- init xterm for cloudshell, needs more work (4796c01b7, Qiu Jian)
- close socket when close cloud shell (4b5dad6d4, Qiu Jian)
- show file system tags (b21f17589, Qu Xuan)
- enable openstack vm migrate (a118e8ef5, Qu Xuan)
- 云账号导出的参数项应与自定义列表的参数项一致,目前缺少域、项目等信息 (193336115, mj)
- 项目选项更新时,显示不全 (30357fd1f, mj)
- server price comparator provider (44f2a7e67, mj)
- server statics filter (6f9cd09bf, mj)
- optimized distinct filed filter (f9b7bf05d, Qu Xuan)
- vpc创建参数修复,及速度优化 (2d547989f, Qu Xuan)
- support update sku postpaid and prepaid status (7f0efb288, Qu Xuan)
- xterm fit (1603de154, houjiazong)
- cloudShell UE improvements (5ad66571c, houjiazong)
- 管理后台登录时,相应项目寻找失败 (3693a1ed2, mj)
- 配额开关打开,域和项目详情页仍然没有配额信息 (ebc902456, mj)
- add cloudpods guide (f3a89fc45, Qu Xuan)
- remove debug info (41ecf9f8e, Qu Xuan)
- storage providers missing generic S3 providers (824b96939, mj)
- improve prompt when no host/accoutns available (8a6fd7032, Qiu Jian)
- support replaceAll for lower broswer (f09e90c01, mj)
- rds field show (659960c75, Qu Xuan)
- eslint rule (ee69e7170, mj)
- hidden bill in public (941ebb5e8, mj)
- rds details (0a2ec3f29, Qu Xuan)
- network edit style (06fffddfe, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- disk type (3428f2153, mj)
- add qcloud tdsql (6757c815d, Qu Xuan)
- add jdcloud rds trans (d96e9f5c1, Qu Xuan)
- add jdcloud disaster category (e9bd81656, Qu Xuan)
- menu i18n (f90cdff50, mj)
- refine baremetal nic list info and set up l2 wire logic (c18cd024e, Qiu Jian)
- init cloudshell in apigateway (54e392863, Qiu Jian)
- Cloudenv/AwsHuawei: #7431 创建天翼云云账号,开启免密登录时创建报错 (0ea5af172, mj)
- Compute: #10789 baremetal install sys with zone and region error (e328c4237, mj)
- Compute/AdjustConfig: 调整配置磁盘显示问题 (1152e1a74, mj)
- Compute/AdjustConfig: 调整配置磁盘显示问题 (a79a2018d, mj)
- Compute/Host: host access ip i18n (e7005cb47, mj)
- Compute/vminstance: #7471 京东云链接vnc按钮不应该禁用,且提示信息不对 (155c8c21b, mj)
- Compute/vminstance: #7471 移动云链接vnc按钮不应该禁用,且提示信息不对 (9ea62e219, mj)
- Disk: #7450 VMware主机同步磁盘状态后状态为未知,再次同步主机状态,磁盘状态正常 (857ad71e8, mj)
- DiskCreate: split error (302a75500, mj)
- Locales: image save fail i18n (e53ed2a1b, mj)
- Navbar: no project loading (acc44951d, mj)
- Network: #7264 1366*768分辨率(14寸)创建VPC页面样式显示不全 (c52c509f2, mj)
- Network: #7449 VMware不支持主机修改IP (45e5ca6da, mj)
- Network: 新建IP子网,无法选择平台 (c3f670e73, mj)
- Network: update cloudregion params (33e0370ca, mj)
- Notify: notice refresh (6c207ab1e, mj)
- OsSelect: #7261 创建vmware虚拟机时,vmware平台镜像vm-test应该归属于RHEL,不应该归属于linux (db63800e5, mj)
- OsSelect: #7274 从ISO启动的windows系统vmware虚拟机重装系统选择windows系统时无法选中,前端报错 (9f511e9c8, mj)
- OsSelect: select instance snapshot params and console error (3ad4cfaac, mj)
- SearchBox: #7430 云上日志使用时间范围过滤,此前、此后这两种情况点击确定前端报错 (8d8e7407a, mj)
- SearchBox: change date filter error (cb8cbfdd8, mj)
- SearchBox: search mutiple error (81d0f9259, mj)
- SearchInput: update search input placehoder i18n (0a0499da6, mj)
- ServerPassword: 使用主机快照创建主机,不应该显示设置密码的输入框 (1beacbdfa, mj)
- ServerPassword: 主机快照默认选中保留镜像设置且不支持更改类型 (41be20264, mj)
- SkuList: #3134 批量设置销售状态位置修改 (cd8c47fdd, mj)
- Tag: identity tag params (2cf18965f, mj)
- Tag: identity tag details api version (32bc683e7, mj)
- TagFilter: update tag filter (195d20f40, mj)
- TagSelect: add max-width (87a9a59da, mj)
- TagTableColumn: #7435 列表鼠标hover标签icon时,只展示user的标签,不展示ext的 (f0a0c89e3, mj)
- ThirdProcess: comment show empty (edb4076bc, mj)
- Vpc: 新建vpc无法切换域 (845025160, mj)
- Xterm: refresh page method error (6cddf8180, mj)
- bill: fix bill overview overflow tilte (2142e2f33, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: modify api for clouduser userselect (e794fb495, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: update scope params (85af40a2e, mj)
- cloudenv: add success tip when account sync success (69ec92314, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: change cloudenv resource_name field (bab3f2acb, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: add account domain check (e64233a2b, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: cloudgroup list add domain filter (6bbc75694, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: bind local user (496fe4962, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: transfer i18n (2d539298c, songdengju)
- compute: add data disk backend (3c7a1ab83, mj)
- compute: 修复功能选择vmware,没有显示主机快照菜单 (bdd7db3f0, mj)
- compute: no use network fill error (372258d65, mj)
- compute: add network default params limit (bc11a48f2, mj)
- compute: 网络切换到自动调度后弹性公网IP使用默认,不支持新建 (ce284434d, mj)
- compute: os select backfill (0ad4b1860, mj)
- compute/createServer: eslint error (bf4bc54b3, mj)
- dashboard: modify i18n in userinfo panel (249b939df, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: fix global search pagenation (ee80af409, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: price & aliyun elb create fix (3de61f61f, tangbin)
- dashboard: modify userInfo panel username (73a4d8c81, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: env,brand,region remove default value (71158160f, mj)
- db: mongodb event-drawer add filter (b8398537d, GuoLiBin6)
- db: modify db router hidden (533598b7f, GuoLiBin6)
- db: fix can’t show network when dependent parameters are updated (rds-create) (96f772620, GuoLiBin6)
- eslint: update eslint rule (270bafb4c, mj)
- eslint: update eslint rule (f2d2d9532, mj)
- helm: get chart by version (36427f1d6, Zexi Li)
- host: 宿主机详情的type签应该不变 (6c2f0f8c0, mj)
- i18n: add ecloud i18n (0799dc0ea, mj)
- k8s: ingresses manager get rawdata (c09b23dad, Zexi Li)
- k8s: service create selector (9cc8c66f1, Zexi Li)
- network: fix waf show text (1dff3bf60, GuoLiBin6)
- rds: After recovery action to refresh rds list (8b0bc6ee8, GuoLiBin6)
- utils: add details check before the secend fetch (007d3eecb, GuoLiBin6)
- workflow: 通过主机工单创建虚拟机失败,工单详情中缺少查看失败原因的链接 (6730e5020, mj)
- workflow: 工单走到系统管理员,待我审批中当前环节错误 (2a2e6cf8a, mj)
Bugfix (15)
- cloudenv: modify projectmapping aciton scope (cf71ad0fe, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: add project-mapping menu hidden (89c95e2be, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: show sort column title (64324a507, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: project mapping (66aa47bfb, GuoLiBin6)
- clouduser: delete extra title in clouduser (bdaaf13c5, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: close vminstance filter(vmem_size & disk) (3c2d75733, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: fix osselect imageselect (2db84ef08, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: restore arch column (c81e9f8f9, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: adjust echart (10a47262b, GuoLiBin6)
- k8s: show detail list (1e0973ac9, GuoLiBin6)
- navbar: change notifyPopover visiable (373c0a2e8, GuoLiBin6)
- projectmapping: modify detail sidepage (d10a08e1f, GuoLiBin6)
- projectmapping: modify tags validate when the tags value is undefined (7545e5b28, GuoLiBin6)
- sku: add sku update default checked (fcb1ec962, GuoLiBin6)
- vminstance: modify Cumpute vminstance label (7e21cdacf, dongliping)
Code Refactoring (1)
Feature (21)
- request list without details first and then with details (df38c3bc3, Qiu Jian)
- support Google OIDC IDP (276076512, Qiu Jian)
- add a eip sidepage to server (e7577fd66, Qiu Jian)
- bill: add budget tags (7fdcd399c, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: config router (ab9b2ecde, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: delete-pricecomparator-list-sync (034995df1, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: add project-mapping function (cf24e6ed8, GuoLiBin6)
- clouduser: add Cloud Account in SamluserList (ff20d6ae9, root)
- compute: fix compute datadisk type (929ff5000, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: add delete disk&instance options (8e1bdc19a, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: add #vm sort (ded830de7, GuoLiBin6)
- cumpute: add cumpute vminstance filter (7de0f1825, 郭丽斌)
- dashboard: add quota sort (7e55548b3, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: add dashboard metric url (a7b6628c0, GuoLiBin6)
- host: add host vm sortable (e8ccb17d1, GuoLiBin6)
- scope: config menu list (a407d110f, GuoLiBin6)
- scope: fix feishu verify (4ecaeeefd, GuoLiBin6)
- scope: smaluser action (903489452, GuoLiBin6)
- system: add project instance snapshots (f12ebd543, GuoLiBin6)
- tag: expend tagcolumn (659ae641d, GuoLiBin6)
- vminstance: modify default checked on deletevm (ecfbbd99c, GuoLiBin6)
Features (106)
- add back index time (2dc3d4150, mj)
- update font (1c57393a9, dongliping)
- update icon (936a33545, dongliping)
- update ui style (c410209da, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- update params and i18n (e4e3e79d7, dongliping)
- add cdn (38b850bc1, Qu Xuan)
- remove refresh (aa91e70f8, mj)
- update menu icon and refresh i18n (bc7591f81, mj)
- update dashbord icon (fc4f2a237, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- update logo (5bc780059, mj)
- server data mac loading (75c64e167, mj)
- server data sync loading (6d338ab48, mj)
- page list column data loading (ebaf44040, mj)
- server data sync loading (dca0bfa70, mj)
- add hcso (a6afbecb4, Qu Xuan)
- add github PR template (b9e7c5360, Zexi Li)
- update openeuler image icon (5ef85d9fa, mj)
- add bill global config (e55fa1c35, mj)
- hidden yaml tpl (edb89bab3, mj)
- add kafka (44e02e9b6, Qu Xuan)
- 支持数据自定义处理 (3380b684b, mj)
- RDS、REDIS列表增加状态统计 (0f65ec993, mj)
- remove component register (88541309b, mj)
- update 计算模块资源增加状态统计条 (e435f5b9a, mj)
- 物理机列表增加状态统计 (2b11d93ad, mj)
- webapp只有选择azure平台展示及UI策略支持 (dd7b05c13, mj)
- add elastic search (033930880, Qu Xuan)
- update webapp (d12afda42, mj)
- add webapp icon (5488a1c4e, mj)
- update webapp i18n (0996f4a0a, mj)
- update webapp (b4644f87e, mj)
- add webapp (b2e6a35ad, mj)
- support ext tag control (9a6fffc05, mj)
- host add statistics (baecdd9cd, mj)
- add baremetal statics (9ede67a5e, mj)
- update nav projects (adba89149, mj)
- 优化下拉选择框在内容过多时无法有效查看信息 (87b4f765d, mj)
- 二次定价支持对账单类型进行限制 (b3cbcc04e, mj)
- add cloudpods (a2066d098, Qu Xuan)
- add external_id support (e8c09d942, mj)
- BaseDialog: add dialog drag (503bf5b13, mj)
- Cloudaccount: add jdcloud support bill (dd1c25be7, mj)
- Cloudenv: 只有管理后台下展示提示信息 (fe7206b4c, mj)
- Compute: vm addbackup add forcast (e3b717695, mj)
- Compute: server list action add permission (8c9462cfc, mj)
- Compute: vm transfer add forcast (b3b8787d2, mj)
- Compute: update transfer host i18n (aba1be9f0, mj)
- Compute: vm addbackup add forcast (d6afc0512, mj)
- Compute/SnapshotPolicy: #2608 快照策略批量关联硬盘 (42721986f, mj)
- Compute/snapshotpolicy: 快照策略批量关联硬盘参数处理 (d793f1a09, mj)
- Host/Storage: add single actions in host sidepage storage (fc1f2b416, mj)
- Logo: 开源版logo替换为cloudpod的logo (479233f99, mj)
- Network: add vlan id filter (78e52272a, mj)
- OcSelect: update OcSelect Component (ee603a86f, mj)
- OcSelect: add OcSelect component (8bd922bc3, mj)
- OcSelect: add OcSelect component (240e5eafe, mj)
- OcSelect: update OcSelelct Component (1180ba9d2, mj)
- OcTerm: 优化CloudShell拖拽卡顿问题 (68f3aca18, mj)
- OcTerm: update octerm (f3217ed51, mj)
- OcTerm: update octerm style (acb87a0c7, mj)
- Page: change website title (af5e69b81, mj)
- ProjectMapping: update sync policy support bind subscription (10904a80d, mj)
- ProjectMapping: sync policysupport bind subscription (05f637e7c, mj)
- ProjectMapping: update sync policy support bind subscription (f669a5b7f, mj)
- ProjectMapping: update sync policy support bind subscription (2d3da9ab5, mj)
- ResStatusTab: 列表返回各状态的资源数量,方便用户统计、分析 (0eb8491ad, mj)
- ResStatusTab: update interface (465c96c58, mj)
- ResStatusTab: update res status tab (3fe2cabe7, mj)
- ResStatusTab: update i18n (517d4591f, mj)
- ServerNetwork: support i18n (399519a64, mj)
- ServerNetwork: 调整主机创建网络部分使用OcSelect组件 (3910c79a9, mj)
- Tag: add identity tag (e0c2a033d, mj)
- Tag: add permission support (959899425, mj)
- TagDetailColumn: add permission support (921820fd0, mj)
- TagFilter: 标签增加优化,支持选择同一个key不同的value (6aa731864, mj)
- TagSelect: #3087 标签的复杂搜索,支持contains, startswith, endswith, not (f22c9e83f, mj)
- TagSelect: support min-width (99c53985a, mj)
- bill: adjust bill currency opts (c1ba19afb, GuoLiBin6)
- bill: add suggestion i18n (63f6a2a69, mj)
- build: add makefile (df73e8563, Zexi Li)
- cloudaccount: add account filter (b43816589, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudaccount: account column add cloudprovider (c3d4b8105, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudaccount: jdcloud account support bill tasks (d2a68b0ba, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: cloudprovider support delete (ae18c87c4, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv,monitor: update receivers params for domain mode (a757f7d6e, mj)
- cloudenv,monitor: update receivers params for domain mode (1077e6a78, mj)
- compute: support modify disk driver and cache mode (a2158afca, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: add medium_type for kvm local disk (164766708, GuoLiBin6)
- compute, network: add action permission (2cb451784, mj)
- constants: add exchange rate status in i18n (9f9973763, GuoLiBin6)
- curency: 巴西币种支持 (19c46c9b4, mj)
- currency: 增加全局币种映射常量 (49a63cc59, mj)
- dashboard: add userinfo panel (2822e97e7, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: modify currency opts (d7a852449, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: modify more to icon (d575558ea, GuoLiBin6)
- db: add mongodb (206f9fa13, GuoLiBin6)
- github: update PR template (957ba0274, Zexi Li)
- i18n: 移动云文案处理 (0233046dd, mj)
- i18n: vm instance (5fa763e39, mj)
- image: update web-base image to v3.6.1 (f7a3a8171, Zexi Li)
- monitor: temperature monitor (a3846e9e8, Zexi Li)
- monitor: extend alert record (464584b8f, GuoLiBin6)
- network: show waf resource name (4aee8586c, GuoLiBin6)
- rds: rds recovery (6d07beb61, GuoLiBin6)
- readme: update README (995cb0c5b, Zexi Li)
- suggestion: update i18n (c0f764afe, mj)
Fit (1)
Optimized (1)
Others (245)
- 华为云Stack删除主机同时删除硬盘等 (3bd42d76a, GuoLiBin6)
- rds details page add hcso (fc121340c, tb365)
- 恢复磁贴限制 (f412d0cc1, GuoLiBin6)
- 调整首页样式 (98c2ce015, GuoLiBin6)
- hcso create vm add cloudprovider (d08647051, tb365)
- image overview summary (eee1d628c, tb365)
- image list add getOsTypeFilter (1667ed392, tb365)
- basic monitor chart add mem used percent (000f63534, tb365)
- robots label (9a79341d4, tb365)
- 修磁贴内容多溢出问题 (e77d123b7, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor query data add limit offset (73944184f, tb365)
- monitor query data add limit offset (702dd3d33, tb365)
- SshProxyCreateForm change name to generate_name (2346a0ebe, tb365)
- add pe zh docs (b230ee870, tb365)
- monitoroverview watch scope change (4a60e08e2, tb365)
- batch install agent (7f8c43de3, tb365)
- update setup ssh form (0a533b8ff, tb365)
- add capacity (7fd17a97b, tb365)
- 调整dashboard磁贴样式 (82d6b3b7c, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改MongoDB备份列表展示 (383e42ca9, GuoLiBin6)
- ajust config fix (73b708a0d, tb365)
- add default dns setting (74ff22165, tb365)
- 添加资源翻译 (9783a697c, GuoLiBin6)
- add route (7649a191a, tb365)
- add cloudgroup for huaweicloudstack (e6970cc20, tb365)
- server price compare fix (a2d6e78bc, tb365)
- adjust config fix (6901644b3, tb365)
- 修复硬盘操作对华为私有云平台的验证 (ccb44aa4c, GuoLiBin6)
- add route for hcso (5dd4ed2d7, tb365)
- 修复编排-虚拟机实例无数据时默认值问题 (4ffb3fe23, GuoLiBin6)
- object download (6e299d470, tb365)
- huawei private cloud adjust config (18db04bf7, tb365)
- 调整mongodb实例类型 (17f7f5b4f, GuoLiBin6)
- mongodb去除访问方式 (b4687e0a1, GuoLiBin6)
- huawei cloud stack fix (3ada6adc5, tb365)
- huawei cloud stack fix (bf84e43c0, tb365)
- huawei private resources create actions (1728c7c52, tb365)
- 修复个人信息查询权限 (29876ba11, GuoLiBin6)
- 价格清单添加新建按钮 (b3ba10353, GuoLiBin6)
- MongoDB优化 (b368efbe1, GuoLiBin6)
- add huawei private cloud account create page (43b82d342, tb365)
- fix the secend fetch (8f56e9614, GuoLiBin6)
- 个人信息磁贴添加域 (2f91ee4cb, GuoLiBin6)
- feat(#2212): 新建主机时,选择平台,过滤相应的宿主机,用宿主机的网络来过滤可用的虚拟机网络 (b39bb3ea5, mj)
- totp qr image display fix (bb8e12315, tb365)
- 关联本地用户必填验证 (cbe06dc59, GuoLiBin6)
- 新建免密登录用户,默认显示自己 (a3eb90d21, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改英文翻译 (e134cdbc9, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改备份列表 (a63152632, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改文案大小写 (fa6e5a670, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改文案 (44de8c22e, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改文案 (a4aab36a8, GuoLiBin6)
- 尝试解决ext标签过滤问题 (bf0e637f3, GuoLiBin6)
- baremetal install agent (d03390e8f, tb365)
- cloudshell fix (3b0758220, tb365)
- 调整批量操作验证顺序 (b571454ff, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改云订阅删除验证顺序及提示文案 (bec13cd44, GuoLiBin6)
- 云订阅启用禁用添加弹框提示 (133de038e, GuoLiBin6)
- 修复多币种对控制面板的影响 (5281fa97a, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加云订阅删除的Azure平台限制 (f98c2e5b0, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加定时器清除,修改跳转地址 (1f30ed048, GuoLiBin6)
- 修复错误页因未跳转出现倒计时负数问题 (b3c93de74, GuoLiBin6)
- fix vue.config.js path errror (a2938cf39, tb365)
- disable google translator (3f6972ca4, tb365)
- import vue config from scope dictionary (3f2251453, tb365)
- 为top5磁贴添加跳转 (c01ba5fbf, GuoLiBin6)
- waf策略 (a0927629a, GuoLiBin6)
- waf条件 (305a31405, GuoLiBin6)
- dictionary add jenkins (b42378ef2, tb365)
- Adjust the order (73c201a75, tb365)
- add notify topic page (e793f6d9c, tb365)
- waf-statement (28e90b1b0, GuoLiBin6)
- translations fix (c420001d7, tb365)
- kvm install agent fix (06cd85fcb, tb365)
- summary-cards style fix (fddb5b85c, tb365)
- host overview card fix (95a46df08, tb365)
- overview card histogram chart fix (aa39a187c, tb365)
- host overview card fix (69eb67ca6, tb365)
- 忽略证书错误 (66a8e925f, tb365)
- alert history chart fix (a54f9711e, tb365)
- monitor overview card fix (9b2aea9fc, tb365)
- temp (3f503c564, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor alert contact channel fix (1251f4154, tb365)
- overview card fix (1c6cfd441, tb365)
- azure listener show front ip (5ddc7e42a, tb365)
- update 通知渠道设置 (a4258fc40, mj)
- 修改同步策略详情页icon (0fd6421dd, GuoLiBin6)
- license fix (96b375bcf, tb365)
- 去除误添加的公共tablefilter (bd0a91dbc, GuoLiBin6)
- 扩展列表搜索,添加资源类型搜索条件 (2b08440ae, GuoLiBin6)
- rds jdcloud monitor (201b1c21c, tb365)
- support azure elb sync (f59fb2528, tb365)
- vminstance monitor chart fix (bce15bfcd, tb365)
- fetch monitor pannel fix (9379fd99a, tb365)
- 列表扩展 (b2777b228, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor diskip chart fix (3e85a0f5a, tb365)
- commonalerts update fix (0e501211e, tb365)
- agent_diskio add selectFunction (5d3df9feb, tb365)
- agent_diskio add selectFunction (bb9e3379c, tb365)
- vminstance detail monitor page update (9efa39906, tb365)
- fix count error (cedd6b5c5, mj)
- monitor ring chart event fix (124e21ecf, tb365)
- update metric alert database fix (02579280c, tb365)
- add res status tab (86afe36ae, mj)
- adjust system route order (9c439d75a, tb365)
- vminstall basic info add agent install status (d622aa0a0, tb365)
- lbcert status icon fix (132bcf629, tb365)
- add features icons (f2ff3c2c7, tb365)
- 修改验证 (693970f93, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor overview add resource summary (557764696, tb365)
- 权限-扩展按钮权限验证 (c024b850f, GuoLiBin6)
- support license v4.0 (5600db04b, tb365)
- 修改磁贴展示金额单位 (ca4fda900, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改-资源消费占比磁贴首次添加不展示问题 (619541868, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改云账号-azure/aws-billing_scpte未选择时默认为managed (34633db39, GuoLiBin6)
- 多币种 (7a16c90c0, GuoLiBin6)
- 默认改为all (fcd47d85a, GuoLiBin6)
- 云账号-更新账单文件-azure添加账单分析范围 (906110481, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改磁贴位置 (6ae29fcfb, GuoLiBin6)
- 修复云账号详情页启用禁用 (299bd9130, GuoLiBin6)
- lbacl source ip desc fix (9c978e9b5, tb365)
- lb style update (9d1e860cd, tb365)
- add jd cloud docs link (e4ed9ddc1, tb365)
- install agent pe help link fix (4379e1d29, tb365)
- contact page update (e7610bf05, tb365)
- Update README-CN.md (45b25b6e3, Jian Qiu)
- Update README.md (64b5fb16b, Jian Qiu)
- 宿主机.云账号添加 删除 启用 禁用后同步刷新云资源信息 (118f1bafd, GuoLiBin6)
- 拆分导出的列表项 (371f467b4, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改宿主机及物理机导出列 (d3210da64, GuoLiBin6)
- 调整磁贴展示 (c7a44f8d5, GuoLiBin6)
- 样式 (0e22853fe, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加虚拟机关机不收费 (5bdd65183, GuoLiBin6)
- 调换磁贴位置 (738b88ef7, GuoLiBin6)
- 费用添加负数说明 (492ed5381, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改磁贴权限 (1e6a9f90a, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加云账号健康状态磁贴 (b1d551740, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改过滤条件 (14f4b9c5d, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加近30天告警与消费趋势柱状图 (8fb4a0c6a, GuoLiBin6)
- change network select helplink style (899eafaf1, tb365)
- 添加磁贴饼图 (27f4fbac2, GuoLiBin6)
- redis&rds network select fix (6c7c41a6f, tb365)
- 修改磁盘-已挂载的磁盘-扩容接口 (cf5ad4c65, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加平台-列的排序筛选项 (cd1dc0b9a, GuoLiBin6)
- fix:移动云文案修改 (0363f0996, dongliping)
- server price compare fix (2d46d734d, tb365)
- redis&rds network select add helplink (e7906fca5, tb365)
- base select add projects (a70df8e85, tb365)
- monitor line chart display fix (919fb0767, tb365)
- change jd cloud logo (bdbd5f4f6, tb365)
- support jd cloud (512d589c0, tb365)
- 修复-删除虚拟机参数丢失 (5d9d3d518, GuoLiBin6)
- 更新提示 (77aee97a1, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改匹配条件提示文案 (a931177a9, GuoLiBin6)
- loadbalancer listener rule add domain column (0a7ecba28, tb365)
- 详情页-标签扩展 (c368452a3, GuoLiBin6)
- price comparator fix (ab366837f, tb365)
- 添加匹配条件的默认值 (baf59ce95, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加标签支持修改 (216a92dfc, GuoLiBin6)
- common alert add default chart name (d9af982c8, tb365)
- dashboard chart save add default name (939d38db2, tb365)
- lbcert cache add common name & subject_alternative_names (8dc759cc8, tb365)
- 添加新建匹配条件的默认值 (030ae41db, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加已绑定云账号不可选中 (0d9f7b8b8, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加详情页操作组 (705af9ef3, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改标签key 修改规则删除保留之前的分割线 添加规则-规则管理的跳转 (415a6017d, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改-同步策略-更新-标签反显问题 (50825f457, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改同步策略删除时的提示文案 (a6f307295, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加标签个数限制及删除规则 (8393a4b15, GuoLiBin6)
- 优化 (41cfce0a0, GuoLiBin6)
- add month & year price (23c66a205, tb365)
- monitor query add metric translations for storage (3aa286521, tb365)
- monitor table add storage_name (f1dc04a45, tb365)
- 删除无用文件 (b909527e9, GuoLiBin6)
- 规则列支持扩展 (c46c553e0, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改过滤状态 (262daf990, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor query add metric translations for storage (21c1eb7c4, TangBin)
- create ucloud account support subaccount (b05adc214, TangBin)
- lbcert add is complete (11fd1b2e7, TangBin)
- dashboard table sort fix (d5ad62d6c, TangBin)
- dashboard default name fix (6ccbd5b4d, TangBin)
- dashboard overview table sort by number (8d1e126c3, TangBin)
- username tranlations fix (7e929dc0b, TangBin)
- ctyun not support create prepaid instance (517e24c92, TangBin)
- login chanllenge after login fix (4c73b5aef, TangBin)
- overview add event data loading (4b6b11d20, TangBin)
- delete vminstance temp (7a86ec444, GuoLiBin6)
- network list export add ports used (4870d29b6, TangBin)
- vminstall agent install fail reason (3789a8745, TangBin)
- vue router meta add propertity canRenderDefaultLayout (f3c2c2ab6, TangBin)
- network route hidden fix (2c1dc44cb, TangBin)
- monitor line chart add data smooth (731d02242, TangBin)
- scopedpolicybindings update (d766c6c04, TangBin)
- scopedpolicybindings update (375975317, TangBin)
- monitor line chart add scale (cb42876cb, TangBin)
- monitor line chart add scale (c0213b0ea, TangBin)
- monitor dashboard chart scope fix (3b01cc3cd, TangBin)
- rejust monitor ssh agent menus order (0a9bff721, TangBin)
- add agent trans (4320c888d, TangBin)
- line chart title fix (170deb576, TangBin)
- sys disk default size fix (9b0054b14, TangBin)
- image select image arch fix (7fd89fc19, TangBin)
- add price info scope (ef9209cb4, bistuzx)
- image select image arch fix (6379cd342, TangBin)
- fix disk price (8f1b5ec6d, bistuzx)
- image select image arch ifx (32ca51a3f, TangBin)
- add tooltips for ssh proxy endpoint create form (7b010238d, TangBin)
- domain project select fix (0a4026288, tangbin)
- hidden common alert tips while scope is projct (d5f0172c2, TangBin)
- public cloud image filter add os_arch (c0aeff014, TangBin)
- instance price comparator fix (161063116, TangBin)
- 修改成本优化英文 (ed88f6359, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改图标 (e3e9c3175, GuoLiBin6)
- global search hidden menus fix (9beb18e46, TangBin)
- setup altert for monitor charts fix (47a197904, TangBin)
- install agent form i18n fix (78879605e, TangBin)
- server-price-comparator capability fix (a66d57ebd, TangBin)
- update help link (77aae4aed, TangBin)
- windows not support install agent (75f477c80, TangBin)
- change security optimization to security inspection (d16aeb1d9, bistuzx)
- username tips fix (3571cba85, TangBin)
- sku add column cpu arch (7e75edef9, TangBin)
- setup ssh username tips (11b5e2a0f, TangBin)
- dashboard database fix (c28977081, TangBin)
- exporer dashboard create name repeated fix (6176348d3, TangBin)
- disk create domain fix (5a4921c63, TangBin)
- monitor dashboard domain select style fix (f9fbaf124, TangBin)
- ssh setup proxy validator fix (5b3986788, TangBin)
- ssh setup proxy validator fix (b6c6f7d7d, TangBin)
- add bucket not found warning to cloudaccount (2936567d0, bistuzx)
- domain fix (e7fd07451, TangBin)
- create monitor dashboard chart fix (cefa31628, TangBin)
- ssh proxy bugfix (b635bc564, TangBin)
- add proxy endpoint list tips (7962863c9, TangBin)
- add dock (72b6d31a6, TangBin)
- cloudproxy match scope vpc/network fetch (a9017ecee, TangBin)
- remove ssh proxy domain filter (dfa565fcc, TangBin)
- create ssh proxy title fix (b7758050e, TangBin)
- add ssh proxy batch delete (11ccb8724, TangBin)
- remove dashboard chart name repeat check (e294187e6, TangBin)
- hidden monitor dashboard fix (f5ee20081, TangBin)
- support ssh proxy (08d8fd008, tangbin)
- fix conflict (ea8839f26, mj)
- temp commit 20201231 (4b904a5e8, tangbin)
- temp (96b51ccff, tangbin)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps
25 commits to kubecomps - v3.8.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (12)
- build: embed heml pkgs remove it (36636f7, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: grafana inject system dashboard when ingress used (be9ac29, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: chart_ignores use regexp (3fbcb9c, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: clean up zombies (b94dc0c, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm release resource object’s name and id missed (4fab9e2, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm release resource list (b1a59d2, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm repo remove (73df2be, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm add repo already exists error (f3bd5c7, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: import cluster input data unmarshal error (1c70127, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: make system cluster resource getable (ed024dd, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: sync cluster not fatal (d74b7d9, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: cluster ca and key field nullable deleted (8da6044, Zexi Li)
Features (13)
- build: go generate use vendor (e172ef3, Zexi Li)
- build: support arm64 build (6715da6, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: resources limits for component (6d94271, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: monitor component support disable (cc00d34, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: update system cluster components setting (10839d5, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: add monitor minio component (ad81bbf, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: sync telegraf dashboard to system grafana (529615e, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: add cluster precheck api (98c8d8a, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: change configuration of minio (3e7aeff, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: chart ignores options (f488734, Zexi Li)
- readme: add readme (b245c65, Zexi Li)
- readme: add build steps (39bdda4, Zexi Li)
- repo: repo url allow updated (51bbedd, Zexi Li)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/notify-plugins
5 commits to notify-plugins - v3.8.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (3)
- build: build arm64 image (4a11361, Zexi Li)
- workwx: no user exist (41dc5d9, rainzm)
- worwx: return correctly when fetch contact (08c831e, rainzm)
Features (2)
- adds domain attributes for notify config (77e72b7, rainzm)
- be compatible with notify’s change to support international mobile (caaa6ed, rainzm)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocadm
13 commits to ocadm - v3.8.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (7)
- set operator imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent (96432152, Zexi Li)
- cluster: update vendor make build pass (76a69b52, Zexi Li)
- cluster: set OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN of cluster auth info (1096cccd, Zexi Li)
- git: 切分支例行更新 version tag (b7a01634, Zhang Dongliang)
- k8s,keepalived: 解决 k8s 高可用集群在部署时无法获取 nodeip 的问题 (1536c295, Zhang Dongliang)
- keepalived: 解决 高可用架构部署的默认网卡传递参数问题 (676a3640, Zhang Dongliang)
- preflight: more accurate of mysql grant error (df3afb6c, Zexi Li)
Features (4)
- build: 增加arm 下编译 ocadm deb 的步骤(make deb); 统一跨平台metrics-server 的 tag 名称;升级 k8s-sidecar 到 0.1.275 (d672ebef, Zhang Dongliang)
- calico,k8s,ovn: 部置calico-node时调整默认配置提升ovn隧道流量的性能 (c4a14ec8, Zhang Dongliang)
- keepalived,ha: 新增 keepalived_interface 变量支持,以便在安装高可用多网卡情况下支持非默认网卡绑定 vip (866ef392, Zhang Dongliang)
- longhorn: support migrate to source pvc from longhorn pvc (2df20ecb, wanyaoqi)
Misc (1)
Others (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/sdnagent
13 commits to sdnagent - v3.8.0 since this release.
Agent (1)
- ovn: ensure iptables fastpath for geneve traffics (352547cc, Yousong Zhou)
Bug Fixes (2)
- tc: aware of ingress qdisc (06a02442, Zexi Li)
- tcman: delete all qdiscs before batch replace (9f4715c9, Zexi Li)
Build (2)
- note on deploying ovs, ovn components (246ce3ea, Yousong Zhou)
- reword README.md for deploying eipgw (a71f02ef, Yousong Zhou)
Features (1)
Flowsource (1)
- allow conntrack invalid packets (f2e212ea, Yousong Zhou)
Others (3)
- ovn-md: ovnMdServer: local origNs (a3b8eae7, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn-md: ovnMdServer: fix logging typo on Stop (bf4efbc8, Yousong Zhou)
- .circleci: go test with “-mod vendor” (f59f4169, Yousong Zhou)
Ovn (1)
- mapped: fix possible traffic loop across different vpcs (b8c2af6f, Yousong Zhou)
Utils (1)
- guest: ignore “secgroup” or “secgroups” (394ccc0d, Yousong Zhou)
Vendor (1)
- bump to current tip of release/3.7 (bf49b2d0, Yousong Zhou)
m/yunionio/cloudpods/commit/481e176ea254c6ae07928c6d8da13c47f428109c), lvyangyang)
- region: ignore qcloud bw pkg error (502718ec19, Qu Xuan)
- region: allow guest network zero bandwidth limit (ab496d0e4f, Zexi Li)
- region: show project mapping managers info (b5cc187ec1, Qu Xuan)
- region: resource count for cachedimages (b19715d453, Qu Xuan)
- region: lb local cert sync fix (daf496a5b6, tb365)
- region: enable zstack allocate ip by itself (f1d422e85f, Qu Xuan)
- region: aws elb backendgroup sync bugfix (97192c3afc, tangbin)
- region: add status resource statistic (aef09a0504, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid vmware sync hosts panic (0a5ec52484, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid cachedimage never be in sync when it deleted (31aec9f969, Qu Xuan)
- region: huawei disk tags (7b6f28eefa, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized for qcloud prepaid instance delete (374b56adb9, Qu Xuan)
- region: allowed to manually refresh cloudimage (c226568ec0, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid guest delete not with disks (b5aa64d91b, Qu Xuan)
- region: qcloud bandwidth pkg (4763059f7d, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid auzre request timeout (0ba310062d, Qu Xuan)
- region: try to find mediumType matched storage when create disk for kvm (38582f5f93, Zexi Li)
- region: avoid panic when register service not work (89296df818, Qu Xuan)
- region: sync cachedimage info (4c3d736a1b, Qu Xuan)
- region: aliyun support public ip (88bf0333e4, Qu Xuan)
- region: replace cloud tags (9014be05ae, lvyangyang)
- region: sync tags with new guest (e461f87a9e, Qu Xuan)
- region: support cloudprovider bind project mapping (1bc8e38452, Qu Xuan)
- region: validate disk status when create snapshot (82af2f702b, Qu Xuan)
- region: server start check host memory is enough (7a684d347f, wanyaoqi)
- region: check instancesnapshot in correct place when resize disk (297d905d4f, rainzm)
- region: rds list with secgorups info (0f0c0eb5aa, Qu Xuan)
- region: obtain ProviderFactory correctly (ab3c7d9143, rainzm)
- region: aliyun rds network sync (f89c9b933a, Qu Xuan)
- region: skip server migrate quota check (ba25d3910e, Qu Xuan)
- region: validate attached disk size and backend (90cc8250b6, Qu Xuan)
- region: cdn misc fix (08c5f3c816, Qu Xuan)
- region: omit vpc quota check if vpc created by owner (90f40d47c8, Qiu Jian)
- region: purge private cloud sku (b21903a329, Qu Xuan)
- region: handle the error of RequestGuestCreateAllDisks (4dd1ecc793, rainzm)
- region: avoid index out of range panic (df26704b36, Qu Xuan)
- region: support rds secgroup operation (bc90e4fc4a, Qu Xuan)
- region,host: sync status check block jobs (5e2d346420, wanyaoqi)
- region,scheduler: filter enabled skus (4a6474caff, Qu Xuan)
- region,scheduler: baremetal reuse ip (49749609b4, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: storage medium type should not exact match (#10190) (3bb48e9371, Jian Qiu)
- scheduler: make option EnableQuotaCheck work (a34e59f21f, rainzm)
- scheduler: baremetal network free address out of count (c8facc9489, Zexi Li)
- telegraf: megactl raid add rebuild status (ff644319c7, zhaoxiangchun)
- telegraf-raid-plugin: add image-telegraf-raid-plugin in Makefile (9a3310b92d, zhaoxiangchun)
- vendor: github dependabot alerts (375d8bf4b4, Zexi Li)
- vendor: use creack/pty v1.1.11 to adapt go 1.15 (f0862574db, Zexi Li)
- webconsole: aliyun vnc windows ctl+alt+del (1498e69e46, Qu Xuan)
- webconsole: add jdcloud vnc (c1be18524c, Qu Xuan)
- wire: init and change status (be5d6ca77b, rainzm)
Bugfix (1)
- monitor: 导出信息中添加全局字典配置 (3ba8168a6f, zhaoxiangchun)
Build (12)
- ansibleserver: use ansibleserver-base:v1.0.3 (de402bcf2d, Yousong Zhou)
- ansibleserver-base: v1.0.3: add sshpass (a0d066ab06, Yousong Zhou)
- cloudproxy: add dockerfile (e3e51731ac, Yousong Zhou)
- y18n: add apigateway (eb84a308af, Yousong Zhou)
- skip y18n-check for now (89f541fcaf, Yousong Zhou)
- add y18n-check, y18n-gen (131723cbe3, Yousong Zhou)
- use centos-build:1.1-4 (de7a88bf36, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: add ModName (39461740d6, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: move to Makefile.common.mk (431f2e87e7, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: align centos variant with the alpine one (bfe4d2a735, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: make target GOARCH/GOOS/CGO_ENABLED aware (8997ae39f2, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: remove GOFLAGS export (2cd6f1274d, Yousong Zhou)
Chore (1)
- utils: add deb build script (429b872664, wanyaoqi)
Climc (4)
- add commands server-make-sshable, server-make-sshable-cmd (1e330e8f3c, Yousong Zhou)
- compute: add command server-sshable (a16cea6faf, Yousong Zhou)
- add commands for cloudproxy (1bcaa9b3fc, Yousong Zhou)
- costreports: fix bad struct tag (9e1ec4438c, Yousong Zhou)
Cloudproxy (18)
- agent: no collision between ports of ssh conn and forwards (f6271885c1, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: refresh every 11 seconds (a4d35457ca, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: ssh: wait ssh conn state while passing it out (1457b37c7d, Yousong Zhou)
- test proxy endpoint connectivity and remote config (cba91b54db, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: more verbose log for ssh connect failure (1a93f26dd0, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: wait a while on connect error (d5f1627872, Yousong Zhou)
- forwards: show details for fwd returned from create-from-server (532961f520, Yousong Zhou)
- proxy_endpoints: create-from-server: allow name as arg (675fe334ff, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: return when ctx is Done (cd14aa1118, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: avoid stallment caused by client timeout (bd21223573, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: ssh: cancel on return from Start (a4697d081b, Yousong Zhou)
- add metadata model (43f48e6b3a, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: fix possible invalid memory access (d57e2d2495, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: use yunion.io/x/onecloud/pkg/util/ssh (8ee5978185, Yousong Zhou)
- forwards: more list filter conditional keys (e3a54dcfd1, Yousong Zhou)
- apis: add ForwardDetails definition (43a4cc6bed, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: refresh bindAddr, advertiseAddr when needed (d9b3d3ee85, Yousong Zhou)
- initial version (22145cbe0f, Yousong Zhou)
Code Refactoring (2)
- climc: use shell.NewResourceCmd for notice (45159e2ec3, rainzm)
- climc: remove dependence for
(a68888979f, rainzm)
Db (1)
- add GetItemDetails (627ea8ccc9, Yousong Zhou)
Etcd (1)
- fix “fatal error: concurrent map writes” (651c4b687d, Yousong Zhou)
Feature (9)
- allow server switch network without service interruption (0d3cfac329, Qiu Jian)
- support Google Oauth2.0 (f08ea8b2c8, Qiu Jian)
- add a standalone dhcp relay service (f5a1522abf, Qiu Jian)
- climc: support put objects in directory (b264a0eba6, Qiu Jian)
- climc: add policy-clone command (dcfb2f3221, Qiu Jian)
- climc: policy save data into file (d02d82963b, Qiu Jian)
- compute: allow live migration with checking Host CPU modes (3944d9ce07, Qiu Jian)
- region: support AWS organization (567990df19, Qiu Jian)
- region: sync cloud tags to local user tags (#9752) (376dfa44d8, Jian Qiu)
Features (198)
- add interface INetworkNicCountGetter (cc5b93ea41, rainzm)
- add nas sync (8639e95a34, Qu Xuan)
- support jdcloud pull monitor metric (81da6c3af9, zhaoxiangchun)
- support JDCloud (Host read only) (00f94399fb, rainzm)
- update host-deployer-base from 0.6 to 1.0 (3db8adc38f, rainzm)
- support EventNotify (b45edf2f18, rainzm)
- change go version from 1.12 to 1.13 in go.mod (31c23b45b2, rainzm)
- call EventNotify when event occurs (c67bd977ee, rainzm)
- use yunion’s customized version of telegraf in file-repo (0e06f9c6cc, rainzm)
- support install monitor agent in baremetal (83b73bf63f, rainzm)
- update file-repo version (bbb95343e2, rainzm)
- hcso sku sync (963cc7fac1, Qu Xuan)
- ansible: add rolePublic and timeout options (8b3e591cfc, rainzm)
- ansibleserver: update file_reop version in dockerfile (ac06c8fb19, rainzm)
- ansibleserver: record running cmd to debug (33e45e46c8, Zexi Li)
- ansibleserver: add reference and instance (f8f99365a2, rainzm)
- ansibleserver: respect keepTmpdir when running ansibleplaybook v1 (0894df5e14, rainzm)
- ansibleserver: update file-repo to v0.3.3 and use telegraf 1.19.2 (754551ce9c, Zexi Li)
- apigateway: support export dict keys (557fd96cc0, Qu Xuan)
- apigateway: differentiate error messages when logging in (d67ded441e, rainzm)
- arm64,build: arm 编译时,不编译 rbdcli (a54becaf2e, Zhang Dongliang)
- baremetal: support H3C oem baremetal (3a3675108e, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: support management of none BMC host (6c5bba7dd2, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: add UEFI related util (ef7bc9e09d, Zexi Li)
- build: update glance and torrent base image (3b11bda683, Zexi Li)
- build: change file repo version in Dockerfile.ansibleserver (95412c1290, rainzm)
- build: make multi arch manifest docker image (44d6c90a12, Zexi Li)
- build: update ansibleserver dockerfile (e49a25adb1, Zexi Li)
- climc: k8s cluster addon add enable native ip alloc option (8234510a52, Zexi Li)
- climc: add operation of app and appenvironment (cd79e2d4a3, rainzm)
- climc: register billsanalysis climc (ba50eed634, zhaoxiangchun)
- climc: add enable monitor minio component command (78f3853c05, Zexi Li)
- climc: update meter dimension climc (cff9cbc2f8, zhaoxiangchun)
- climc: add Port-Forward SSH in server-ssh (d5298db0bb, Stargic)
- climc: wires: allow filter by bandwidth (57eceae70d, Yousong Zhou)
- climc: add SSH through EIP in server-ssh (d42b2a6ddc, Stargic)
- cloudcommon: set TaskNotifyUrl in GetTaskRequestHeader (f7add55303, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: expand notifyclient (7357b6e0a2, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: move ignore_nonrunning_guests option to common (e9b0203da4, Zexi Li)
- cloudcommon: add rolecache (f352cf4e31, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: opslog: log joint models (0cfc5f2311, Yousong Zhou)
- cloudcommon: send it directly if there is no template corresponding to the topic (8316dadb05, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: send message with mobile in NotifyWithTag (1c3eea6886, rainzm)
- cloudid: add azure saml (627503cdc1, Qu Xuan)
- cloudmon: support huaweistack monitor metric (a6f5b047de, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudmon: support HuaweiCloudStack rds metric (1df2e03b73, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudmon: add cloudmon component (8fa4e577dd, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudproxy: add GetDetailsLastseen for forwards (f261db7ae8, rainzm)
- db: progressive inspection when determining the required scope (cc11aed9e8, rainzm)
- devtool: makes the process of installing the agent more rigorous (fd458a6030, rainzm)
- devtool: add script (1cc917e98a, rainzm)
- devtool: support batch applying for virtual machines (39d93ebb92, rainzm)
- devtool: add some tags (0d33ecd28c, rainzm)
- devtool: check sshable before applying ansible playbook for server (7e452712ee, rainzm)
- devtool: use server forward direct for guest with kvm hypervisor (955cf6500b, rainzm)
- devtool: add ScriptApplyId fro ScriptApplyRecord (f246e66790, rainzm)
- docker: inject playbook and telegraf installation packages (4250b14754, rainzm)
- esxi: update guest os info (0d5a44155d, rainzm)
- esxi: support iso when creating vm (cd97edf07d, rainzm)
- esxi: reduce the number of requests and the amount of data transferred (9a114b5fe5, rainzm)
- esxi: change parameters for NewDiskDev and avoid unnecessary deploy (f71f1d8318, rainzm)
- esxi: disable sync cloudimage from image cache (17db82c1ee, rainzm)
- esxi: fetch vmware network configuration info (e4fc71eca6, rainzm)
- esxiagent: determine vs by bridge and network when creating vm (4be58eef5a, rainzm)
- fetcherfs: make rpm and deb package (811730e7cf, Zexi Li)
- github: add document issue template (9790f54b7a, Zexi Li)
- github: update github PR and issue template (2b475685eb, Zexi Li)
- glance: support backend storage s3 (a48f0040a8, wanyaoqi)
- glance: image support filter by os_type and distribution (3b235402ae, Zexi Li)
- host: adjust qemu args to support aarch64 (3b21605525, Zexi Li)
- host: support netplan configuration (02e57f7e8f, Zexi Li)
- host: add openEuler rootFs driver (6e8993a220, Zexi Li)
- host: aware of kubelet eviction config (e770f4f653, Zexi Li)
- hostdeployer: change UserAdd to CheckOrAddUser (941b6df117, rainzm)
- hostdeployer: find vg name and id via pv (de60724ba9, rainzm)
- hostdeployer: change the way fo GetLoginAccount in windows (6e164070d3, rainzm)
- hostman: options: add sdn_allow_conntrack_invalid (9ddb01a95d, Yousong Zhou)
- keystone: add GetDefaultAdminSession (41139dc72e, rainzm)
- keystone: support filter ‘project_domain_id’ in role_assignments (334a47e383, rainzm)
- keystone: support alertNotify when abnormal login occur (274729eb5f, rainzm)
- keystone: more specific error return during authentication (1c325f747d, rainzm)
- keystone: support projectDomainId in SAssignmentManager.FetchAll (2a0e36a437, rainzm)
- keystone: add options to set admin and domain admin role to notify (349db2dce8, rainzm)
- keystone,apigateway: return a readable message when the user is locked or disabled (c5223f9131, rainzm)
- locale: update (b83c26f1f3, rainzm)
- mcclient: add k8s cluster monitor component disable option (28eb0ab983, Zexi Li)
- mcclient: add bills dimension climc (79f08937ab, zhaoxiangchun)
- mcclient,itsm: modify itsm mcclient rpc func (2bae6527dd, zhaoxiangchun)
- misc: update build and service base image to use go v1.15.15 (d0dd242bc2, Zexi Li)
- monitor: update monitor resource overview (0919c2ee3e, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: query reduce percentile (fa29f3d9b3, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: add agent monitor metric (4c932ee961, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: influxQuery add P95 reduce (64e587f97b, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: Lists the records that are currently alarting (aedf73f14c, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: add storage monitor metric (8685e96198, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: add ext mysql,rabbitmq,redis metric (e9f3def6e0, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: support temperature metrics (9ff03af402, Zexi Li)
- monitor: add jenkins metric desc (589c80356f, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: support monitor overview influxdb query pass through (33975b5c12, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: monitor alert policy add mobile notify (5c2d88c6d9, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: meter相关报警内容处理 (70c9dd397f, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: alert add silent period param (352fc030e4, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: alert record add silentPeriod info (730c13b837, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: add dashboard and panel clone (65f0f61430, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: monitor add trigger value when send notify info (0e7a043502, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: alert policy filter by res_type (e37ee880f9, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: get today alerting resource info (e8442bea69, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: support monitor shield (805c80370e, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: monitor alertRecord support set shield (0a7c587117, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: 处理编排mysql,redis,rabbitmq 相关监控 (edaf51e5d8, zhaoxiangchun)
- multicloud: add JdcloudTags (4783fb7540, rainzm)
- multicloud: support webapp for azure (64f5e09439, rainzm)
- multicloud: add snapshots list for ecloud (85c761e021, rainzm)
- notify: add template about topic USER_LOGIN_EXCEPTION (f8bace5b4e, rainzm)
- notify: filter all recipients in this domain and recipients who have joined projects in this domain (ed5dac6244, rainzm)
- notify: send notifications of different templates according to language (76e7aa4018, rainzm)
- notify: 管理后台新建的联系人,手机号和邮箱无需进行校验 (623f1f17f1, rainzm)
- notify: Gets the available notification types for the receiver (f591013358, rainzm)
- notify: add params for create notification (51f0e6f10a, rainzm)
- notify: advanced notify config and robot (1d1bb6c381, rainzm)
- notify: mandatory update of VERIFY and USER_LOGIN_EXCEPTION templates (f6a2bbe9b4, rainzm)
- notify: add save api for notify template (0b3f18830c, rainzm)
- notify: show only users under the domain in the recipient details of the message (052b017cf8, rainzm)
- notify: topic and subscriber at the domain level (04d930ab2b, rainzm)
- notify: delete the notification 1 month ago and remove the data migration (4ef01d4329, rainzm)
- notify: exempt the administrator to update the receiver verification (a9f3392e73, rainzm)
- notify: filter receivers who join the project under the domain where the requester is currently located (c88d015984, rainzm)
- notify: remove disk’s event notify for now (fd7b2a7ff1, rainzm)
- notify: be compatible with mobile in event notify (c7b8d88d75, rainzm)
- notify: clean data for receiver_notifications (36bae206ac, rainzm)
- notify: add action ‘change_ipaddr’ for notify topic (7630589465, rainzm)
- notify: add receivers query in receivers/get-types (9058aecac1, rainzm)
- notify: support international mobile (019e70f602, rainzm)
- notify: add local template (a6b24e373d, rainzm)
- notify: add subscription in notify (3719b8b7f1, rainzm)
- notify: verification email style optimization (195e3c5c63, rainzm)
- notify: adjust subscribers when deleting bots and recipients (066efeea65, rainzm)
- notify: compatible with webhook configuration (83ac629652, rainzm)
- notify: change default verify expire interval 5m => 2m (beb6ad8601, rainzm)
- notify: add default area code for mobile (70c767c10c, rainzm)
- notify: add ResourceAttributionName for subscriber (c2d7dd6a45, rainzm)
- notify,region: improvement of news subscription (311d0efb80, rainzm)
- region: add cloudpods (6a735d4850, Qu Xuan)
- region: support merging mutli wires to a wire (a4d3d5fa39, rainzm)
- region: sync Esxi HostWire for esxi host (e2bbb4e739, rainzm)
- region: support synchronize vmware’s network configuration to the local (cef91402fb, rainzm)
- region: check whether the esxi host is ip or domain name (6af6c8167a, rainzm)
- region: remove webhook notify in guest.PostUpdate (cb335c1086, rainzm)
- region: add ecloud monitor metric (4365c28ae0, zhaoxiangchun)
- region: add options DeleteSnapshotExpiredRelease (91e45883a8, rainzm)
- region: aws elasticahe (36e5c9ccff, lvyangyang)
- region: add host count when list wires (6309e2da85, rainzm)
- region: nat op support (b21e6ff25b, Qu Xuan)
- region: disks and eip delete with server (108d6827e8, Qu Xuan)
- region: add server delete options (a9ea3839d0, Qu Xuan)
- region: add host_type filter for listing wires (47da51e04e, rainzm)
- region: add App and AppEnvironment (f8e53027d6, rainzm)
- region: add host_type filter for listing network (2d7fba494d, rainzm)
- region: add tags implement (8641e9232b, lvyangyang)
- region: wire: allow filter by bandwidth (2fe912f51a, Yousong Zhou)
- region: add status count filter by params (d7f4eafee1, Qu Xuan)
- region: azure rds (1755f55c88, lvyangyang)
- region: set metadata for guest with agent installed (e20fd94b54, rainzm)
- region: add kafka sync (d725cf0597, Qu Xuan)
- region: return forwardDetails when query server sshable (9a651dad3f, rainzm)
- region: support merging wire (2177b62110, rainzm)
- region: allow to update account with provider vmware (be1f33c601, rainzm)
- region: add azure redis (59eb84fb27, Qu Xuan)
- region: nat op support (22937c4afb, Qu Xuan)
- region: add zone disk capability api (d4255d71e0, TangBin)
- region: increase the log for debugging when syncing cloudimage (d7224cd064, rainzm)
- region: add direct field for vpc (9c2502db8d, rainzm)
- region: support Ecloud (readonly) (77457fbae4, rainzm)
- region: host list order by server count (ac491f4f58, Zexi Li)
- region: filter schedtags from cloudprovider_id (f8c7abf374, rainzm)
- region: cloudregion add disk capability api (65b597566b, TangBin)
- region: add mongodb (69a6aedf17, Qu Xuan)
- region: add ProhibitRefreshingCloudImage for options (9f0fdb2913, rainzm)
- region: add server migration predication API (ff7c514f55, Zexi Li)
- region: support jd cloud rds (11f1f9756e, Qu Xuan)
- region: add qcloud cdn (3ce18ea71f, Qu Xuan)
- region: add wire info in HostNetwork details (01ce700ec9, rainzm)
- region: waf (f3dbe33671, Qu Xuan)
- region: disable synchronization of some special storage (8009ca8d70, rainzm)
- region: make DeleteSnapshotExpiredRelease applies to postpaid vm (763086d625, rainzm)
- region: virtually display the esxiagent of the cached image as a host (961d6e484c, rainzm)
- region: support elasticsearch sync (021f5d9241, Qu Xuan)
- region: stop guest before freeze (fa077dbe9b, wanyaoqi)
- region: add app gateway resource (77c8d9f787, Qu Xuan)
- region: be compatible with changes in monitor api in scaling group (e347d6a51f, rainzm)
- region: multilingual timer description (c4b6d7e648, rainzm)
- region: server sku os_arch & cpu_arch checking (0413898aa7, tangbin)
- scheduler: optimize the speed of network predicate (bf977bb745, rainzm)
- suggestion,apigateway: add analysispredict climc (788a5df8bd, zhaoxiangchun)
- suggestion,mcclient: add suggestsysalert-delete climc (28858d9470, zhaoxiangchun)
- util: support uint64 in bitmap (f204b5e605, rainzm)
- vpcs: list: add order_by_network_count (95a5af1c1d, Yousong Zhou)
- yunionapi: pre login hook fix (6f91fa7a45, tb365)
Fi (1)
- region: avoid opslog without resource id (7fc23cb683, Qu Xuan)
Guest_deploy_task (1)
- log other deploy details with i18n (e40ca53b6b, Yousong Zhou)
Guests (3)
- sshable: fix breaking out from wait loop (59f99c653a, Yousong Zhou)
- sshable: wait and retry for newly created forward (ce98d7dd13, Yousong Zhou)
- sshable: log error should unmarshal fail (1c18dbb7d9, Yousong Zhou)
Hostman (1)
- ovn: do not set external_ids:iface-id for backup (db89640dfe, Yousong Zhou)
Keystone (1)
- reword error messages (a71c875470, Yousong Zhou)
Locales (4)
- generate (78a6ebd57f, Yousong Zhou)
- zh-CN: add some translations (b66ccd78a1, Yousong Zhou)
- regenerate locales.go (a17d88c785, Yousong Zhou)
- zh-CN: regenerate messages.gotext.json (d18f612af9, Yousong Zhou)
Mcclient (3)
- models: Server: add fields for eip and nics (8ab1db998f, Yousong Zhou)
- Sshkeypairs: add FetchPrivateKey (21032a1df7, Yousong Zhou)
- auth: add SessionCache (87f93c2872, Yousong Zhou)
Networks (1)
- server_type: do not allow update (d54fdf6e71, Yousong Zhou)
Optimized (1)
- region: qcloud bucket policy set and get operation (fbd5be2fd7, Qu Xuan)
Others (61)
- hcso support sync vm host (afe7f5d828, tb365)
- fix(monitor):fix monitor query top 5 (c24c923a8f, zhaoxiangchun)
- add azure capacity (972bdb8e7f, tb365)
- huawei cloud getInstanceByIP add ip filter (5ca544400b, tb365)
- zone list timeout fix (cfae948719, tb365)
- ProviderFactory add method IsMultiTenant (7b579e80cf, tb365)
- add default dns for subnet (444ebd9526, tb365)
- huawei cloud stack client fix (682a27633a, tb365)
- huawei client update (88efcda2f5, tb365)
- add host type count api (7aa8802a1f, tb365)
- add meter cost conversion (afd560c6f9, bistuzx@163.com)
- minor fixes (fe1dd1daa1, Qiu Jian)
- azure health check fix (05729f87ff, tb365)
- azure lb sync listener frontip fix (9d0f27f734, tb365)
- update vendor (a83ff5bf98, tb365)
- minor fixes (788ad518c2, Qiu Jian)
- azure elb support sync ip backend (5649af2192, tb365)
- azure application lb sync fix (be5aeda1b1, tb365)
- azure lb global id to lowercase (a0a5d088d0, tb365)
- lb backend group details add lb_listener_count (eb55569436, tb365)
- update OWNERS (75a745368f, Zexi Li)
- support azure elb sync (bb10f3ef3a, tb365)
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (d0a7d89f3e, Jian Qiu)
- feat(monitor) 3.7 add monitor resource overview (4ac0042153, zhaoxiangchun)
- add module billing exchange rate (f88ea19a76, bistuzx@163.com)
- README.md: update icon URLs (98d5fb0728, Yousong Zhou)
- add secgroup-list (bbbcadcedb, rainzm)
- update vendor (928a801c87, rainzm)
- add jdcloud reigon&host&guest driver (458ff46624, tb365)
- add jd cloud constants (4c369d19f3, tb365)
- avoid log loss when token expired fix #10738 (05716c7d7a, Qu Xuan)
- fix wire status close #10737 (be0117dd71, Qu Xuan)
- Update feature_request.md (625118057f, Zexi Li)
- Update bug_report.md (6aa8aa269f, Zexi Li)
- response scope-specific metrics (8dff784225, Qiu Jian)
- fix(monitor):修复监控总览图标钻取后返回数据异常的问题 (1391839ad9, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix(region) qcloud multi zone instance sync account fix (ebdb9fbc94, tangbin)
- feat(region) qcloud redis support multi zones (33285eb777, tangbin)
- copyright update brand_cn&brand_en fix (ff51bf449f, tangbin)
- infos copyright add brand_en&brand_cn (e277370372, tangbin)
- redis update tags fix (c45573b779, tangbin)
- aws change flavor fix (dac711343e, TangBin)
- server create sku parameter fix (176f32e802, TangBin)
- change os_arch_arm to os_arch_aarch64 (03d96ca48b, tangbin)
- update vendor (340b914db2, rainzm)
- host 编译跨平台兼容 (c7782f2404, Zhang Dongliang)
- imagetools NormalizeImageInfo update (dba28b7fae, TangBin)
- warp aws err with errors.Wrap (3f4094e9df, TangBin)
- add cost report module (b803de0705, bistuzx@163.com)
- server skus filter by mem size fix (0511cc0c7e, tangbin)
- loadbalancer add lb purge validate (bc960367ab, tangbin)
- add budget set alert log (a2ddd93587, bistuzx@163.com)
- fix reservation columns (d5d72a977e, bistuzx@163.com)
- add cost&prepaid_cost to reservation (5f7d848723, bistuzx@163.com)
- fix budget import format (6af676b93a, bistuzx@163.com)
- fix reservation import format (005ed23fa4, bistuzx@163.com)
- add meter budget&event&reservation module (4bd398db56, bistuzx@163.com)
- .circleci: use centos-build:1.1-4 (dfc9b4393f, Yousong Zhou)
- scripts/docker_push.sh: minor polishments (d377625789, Yousong Zhou)
- scripts/docker_push.sh: use toplevel Makefile target (aa45c158c9, Yousong Zhou)
- scripts/coverage.sh: detect use of “-mod vendor” (e01492df4f, Yousong Zhou)
Procutils (4)
- WaitZombieLoop: remove unneeded info request (709ddccc2f, Yousong Zhou)
- WaitZombieLoop: less verbose iota (f970e22b97, Yousong Zhou)
- WaitZombieLoop: use const str “1” for my pid (26013e66bf, Yousong Zhou)
- add WaitZombieLoop (a1044c1afc, Yousong Zhou)
Refact (1)
- region: resource tags (68cf1eaea5, lvyangyang)
Region (16)
- guests: sshable: more compact make-sshable-cmd (5b2fe2100c, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: add GET /servers/
/make-sshable-cmd (264c58073e, Yousong Zhou) - guests: sshable: add POST /servers/
/make-sshable (b090a63c3b, Yousong Zhou) - guests: sshable: add field sshable_last_state (cba83b48a8, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: refactor for reusability (98489ca038, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: only check sshable state when in running state (460e54c919, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: return early on sshable=true (ba71fcaaa2, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: more friendly fail reason for proxy_forward (012df167d5, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: add GET /servers/
/sshable (d340911271, Yousong Zhou) - apis: route: add nexthop type “IP” (98cd08bac7, Yousong Zhou)
- fix setting nic index (5ede377c82, Yousong Zhou)
- attachnetwork: allow attach by network name (5fda85f831, Yousong Zhou)
- usages: add [{all,domain}.]networks etc. (79a4f27ec5, Yousong Zhou)
- wires: totalCountQ: filter networks by scope and owner (b471c727a3, Yousong Zhou)
- usages: fix field name of vpcs for system scope (aa60527b8d, Yousong Zhou)
- fix error msg for invalid wire_level_for_vmware (ce05e5290c, Yousong Zhou)
Regions (1)
- lbagents: move pb update/create as mcclient module method (cc7ffd707a, Yousong Zhou)
Treewide (1)
- wait possible zombies (3a18af8d72, Yousong Zhou)
Util (1)
- ssh: add ConnectContext method for ClientConfig (bbd2114f94, Yousong Zhou)
Validators (1)
- set xx_id when possible (2f7bd7a7a2, Yousong Zhou)
Vpcagent (6)
- ovn: fix port match condition formation (c800b240d4, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: fix qos for eip upload (e5a44d2b69, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: add ClaimRoutes (bf5ef89a95, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: resolveRoutes from API models (5fd1c309c8, Yousong Zhou)
- models: annotate guest with guestnetworks (1b2878d699, Yousong Zhou)
- models: add route tables (3b8e4811bc, Yousong Zhou)
Webconsole (1)
- wait zombies (f519b88f69, Yousong Zhou)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
43 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.8.0 since this release.
Apigateway (2)
- cors: rename spec field name to corsHosts (cd564101, Yousong Zhou)
- allow setting cors_hosts (15fa2b1a, Yousong Zhou)
Bug Fixes (19)
- default policy name should be separated by dash (3f6cfc3b, Qiu Jian)
- raid plugin: raid status fix (ad345043, zhaoxiangchun)
- update vendor (aa530864, Qiu Jian)
- update process.total name (c182e81f, zhaoxiangchun)
- update system commonalert param (069f1da9, zhaoxiangchun)
- update raid-plugin image tag (557553bd, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudmon timeout fix (f5e1f649, zhaoxiangchun)
- make system roles private (9376cb61, Qiu Jian)
- access_url of common service config (d3ffcfdd, Zexi Li)
- fail to init policy (07c0408f, Qiu Jian)
- update vendor (0dcc5d2c, Qiu Jian)
- build: update vendor (f18a9247, Zexi Li)
- cloudmon: crond commond fmt err (98a21dc6, zhaoxiangchun)
- glance: comment s3 switch logical (be1c5c99, Zexi Li)
- glance: s3 endpoint should use domain resolve (0f5438f5, Zexi Li)
- minio: disable minio component when status is fail (6b951487, Zexi Li)
- monitor: raid卡监控规则status过滤参数调整 (ffe5273c, zhaoxiangchun)
- operator: modify crontab default interval (977e222e, zhaoxiangchun)
- region: let region server system init resources only once (233c6fb8, Zexi Li)
Features (15)
- add process common alert policy (218503c9, zhaoxiangchun)
- init devtool script and ansible reference for devtool (ff793ee9, rainzm)
- deploy minio (cb8e7275, Zexi Li)
- support jdcloud monitor metric (18fdf834, zhaoxiangchun)
- support HuaweiCloudStack rds metric (009e560d, zhaoxiangchun)
- build: support multi arch docker image (0343a329, Zexi Li)
- cloudmon: support HuaweiCloudStack metric (cf4989a3, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudmon: add storage monitor metric config and modify cloudmon config infection func (27f1f15b, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudmon: update cloudmon component image info (7a390f57, zhaoxiangchun)
- cloudmon: add cloudmon alertrecord crontab (16d16e59, zhaoxiangchun)
- crd: support inject imagePullSecrets (9ee00e53, Zexi Li)
- glance: add minio support (e37d8b6a, wanyaoqi)
- k8s: enable kubeserver (90ccd614, Zexi Li)
- monitor-stack: add monitor stack component (dee274f1, Zexi Li)
- operator: set default resources limits for each component (38914e4c, Zexi Li)
Others (6)
- update vendor (f0b98aaf, Qiu Jian)
- feat:add jdcloud rds metric (a113f843, zhaoxiangchun)
- update manifest version to v3.7.5 (87770c07, Zexi Li)
- update vendor (ba527add, rainzm)
- Add cloudproxy (9c6aceeb, Yousong Zhou)
- update vendor (5af2ebd5, Qiu Jian)
Vendor (1)
- bump to current tip of release/3.7 (e85056c5, Yousong Zhou)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-service-operator
1 commits to cloudpods-service-operator - v3.8.0 since this release.
Features (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard
516 commits to dashboard - v3.8.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (126)
- dashboard public default config (88aea0f0e, mj)
- cdn action (f272a5cae, Qu Xuan)
- add cdn permission (dd8f3a13a, Qu Xuan)
- cdn menu and permission (c5e1a88ee, Qu Xuan)
- menu icon (f7c4d4465, dongliping)
- cdn domain info (af59ec05e, Qu Xuan)
- webapp status (8c5a269ba, mj)
- webapp and i18n (83daec04e, mj)
- 账单访问信息引用字段错误,应为关联账号 (dab853cc5, mj)
- azure dtu (59527a01e, Qu Xuan)
- webapp (3ed7f2db4, mj)
- add OWNERS (0bc7bc257, Zexi Li)
- nas create fix (b69000ff7, Qu Xuan)
- nas misc fix (0cef00e75, Qu Xuan)
- enable hcso saml auth (5b6bcb2ee, Qu Xuan)
- variable errors when list without details (d516ad3e8, Qiu Jian)
- action policy (2191e10fe, Qu Xuan)
- misc fixed for cloudbox (a2842b754, Qiu Jian)
- access group details (32f6da42d, Qu Xuan)
- format gb for nas capacity (67e260957, Qu Xuan)
- change route global config repeat relod (d3537b948, mj)
- update redis status i18n (fc8e452a1, mj)
- 修复主机创建系统盘容量检测问题 (a56bec06d, mj)
- init xterm for cloudshell, needs more work (4796c01b7, Qiu Jian)
- close socket when close cloud shell (4b5dad6d4, Qiu Jian)
- show file system tags (b21f17589, Qu Xuan)
- enable openstack vm migrate (a118e8ef5, Qu Xuan)
- 云账号导出的参数项应与自定义列表的参数项一致,目前缺少域、项目等信息 (193336115, mj)
- 项目选项更新时,显示不全 (30357fd1f, mj)
- server price comparator provider (44f2a7e67, mj)
- server statics filter (6f9cd09bf, mj)
- optimized distinct filed filter (f9b7bf05d, Qu Xuan)
- vpc创建参数修复,及速度优化 (2d547989f, Qu Xuan)
- support update sku postpaid and prepaid status (7f0efb288, Qu Xuan)
- xterm fit (1603de154, houjiazong)
- cloudShell UE improvements (5ad66571c, houjiazong)
- 管理后台登录时,相应项目寻找失败 (3693a1ed2, mj)
- 配额开关打开,域和项目详情页仍然没有配额信息 (ebc902456, mj)
- add cloudpods guide (f3a89fc45, Qu Xuan)
- remove debug info (41ecf9f8e, Qu Xuan)
- storage providers missing generic S3 providers (824b96939, mj)
- improve prompt when no host/accoutns available (8a6fd7032, Qiu Jian)
- support replaceAll for lower broswer (f09e90c01, mj)
- rds field show (659960c75, Qu Xuan)
- eslint rule (ee69e7170, mj)
- hidden bill in public (941ebb5e8, mj)
- rds details (0a2ec3f29, Qu Xuan)
- network edit style (06fffddfe, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- disk type (3428f2153, mj)
- add qcloud tdsql (6757c815d, Qu Xuan)
- add jdcloud rds trans (d96e9f5c1, Qu Xuan)
- add jdcloud disaster category (e9bd81656, Qu Xuan)
- menu i18n (f90cdff50, mj)
- refine baremetal nic list info and set up l2 wire logic (c18cd024e, Qiu Jian)
- init cloudshell in apigateway (54e392863, Qiu Jian)
- Cloudenv/AwsHuawei: #7431 创建天翼云云账号,开启免密登录时创建报错 (0ea5af172, mj)
- Compute: #10789 baremetal install sys with zone and region error (e328c4237, mj)
- Compute/AdjustConfig: 调整配置磁盘显示问题 (1152e1a74, mj)
- Compute/AdjustConfig: 调整配置磁盘显示问题 (a79a2018d, mj)
- Compute/Host: host access ip i18n (e7005cb47, mj)
- Compute/vminstance: #7471 京东云链接vnc按钮不应该禁用,且提示信息不对 (155c8c21b, mj)
- Compute/vminstance: #7471 移动云链接vnc按钮不应该禁用,且提示信息不对 (9ea62e219, mj)
- Disk: #7450 VMware主机同步磁盘状态后状态为未知,再次同步主机状态,磁盘状态正常 (857ad71e8, mj)
- DiskCreate: split error (302a75500, mj)
- Locales: image save fail i18n (e53ed2a1b, mj)
- Navbar: no project loading (acc44951d, mj)
- Network: #7264 1366*768分辨率(14寸)创建VPC页面样式显示不全 (c52c509f2, mj)
- Network: #7449 VMware不支持主机修改IP (45e5ca6da, mj)
- Network: 新建IP子网,无法选择平台 (c3f670e73, mj)
- Network: update cloudregion params (33e0370ca, mj)
- Notify: notice refresh (6c207ab1e, mj)
- OsSelect: #7261 创建vmware虚拟机时,vmware平台镜像vm-test应该归属于RHEL,不应该归属于linux (db63800e5, mj)
- OsSelect: #7274 从ISO启动的windows系统vmware虚拟机重装系统选择windows系统时无法选中,前端报错 (9f511e9c8, mj)
- OsSelect: select instance snapshot params and console error (3ad4cfaac, mj)
- SearchBox: #7430 云上日志使用时间范围过滤,此前、此后这两种情况点击确定前端报错 (8d8e7407a, mj)
- SearchBox: change date filter error (cb8cbfdd8, mj)
- SearchBox: search mutiple error (81d0f9259, mj)
- SearchInput: update search input placehoder i18n (0a0499da6, mj)
- ServerPassword: 使用主机快照创建主机,不应该显示设置密码的输入框 (1beacbdfa, mj)
- ServerPassword: 主机快照默认选中保留镜像设置且不支持更改类型 (41be20264, mj)
- SkuList: #3134 批量设置销售状态位置修改 (cd8c47fdd, mj)
- Tag: identity tag params (2cf18965f, mj)
- Tag: identity tag details api version (32bc683e7, mj)
- TagFilter: update tag filter (195d20f40, mj)
- TagSelect: add max-width (87a9a59da, mj)
- TagTableColumn: #7435 列表鼠标hover标签icon时,只展示user的标签,不展示ext的 (f0a0c89e3, mj)
- ThirdProcess: comment show empty (edb4076bc, mj)
- Vpc: 新建vpc无法切换域 (845025160, mj)
- Xterm: refresh page method error (6cddf8180, mj)
- bill: fix bill overview overflow tilte (2142e2f33, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: modify api for clouduser userselect (e794fb495, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: update scope params (85af40a2e, mj)
- cloudenv: add success tip when account sync success (69ec92314, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: change cloudenv resource_name field (bab3f2acb, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: add account domain check (e64233a2b, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: cloudgroup list add domain filter (6bbc75694, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: bind local user (496fe4962, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: transfer i18n (2d539298c, songdengju)
- compute: add data disk backend (3c7a1ab83, mj)
- compute: 修复功能选择vmware,没有显示主机快照菜单 (bdd7db3f0, mj)
- compute: no use network fill error (372258d65, mj)
- compute: add network default params limit (bc11a48f2, mj)
- compute: 网络切换到自动调度后弹性公网IP使用默认,不支持新建 (ce284434d, mj)
- compute: os select backfill (0ad4b1860, mj)
- compute/createServer: eslint error (bf4bc54b3, mj)
- dashboard: modify i18n in userinfo panel (249b939df, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: fix global search pagenation (ee80af409, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: price & aliyun elb create fix (3de61f61f, tangbin)
- dashboard: modify userInfo panel username (73a4d8c81, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: env,brand,region remove default value (71158160f, mj)
- db: mongodb event-drawer add filter (b8398537d, GuoLiBin6)
- db: modify db router hidden (533598b7f, GuoLiBin6)
- db: fix can’t show network when dependent parameters are updated (rds-create) (96f772620, GuoLiBin6)
- eslint: update eslint rule (270bafb4c, mj)
- eslint: update eslint rule (f2d2d9532, mj)
- helm: get chart by version (36427f1d6, Zexi Li)
- host: 宿主机详情的type签应该不变 (6c2f0f8c0, mj)
- i18n: add ecloud i18n (0799dc0ea, mj)
- k8s: ingresses manager get rawdata (c09b23dad, Zexi Li)
- k8s: service create selector (9cc8c66f1, Zexi Li)
- network: fix waf show text (1dff3bf60, GuoLiBin6)
- rds: After recovery action to refresh rds list (8b0bc6ee8, GuoLiBin6)
- utils: add details check before the secend fetch (007d3eecb, GuoLiBin6)
- workflow: 通过主机工单创建虚拟机失败,工单详情中缺少查看失败原因的链接 (6730e5020, mj)
- workflow: 工单走到系统管理员,待我审批中当前环节错误 (2a2e6cf8a, mj)
Bugfix (15)
- cloudenv: modify projectmapping aciton scope (cf71ad0fe, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: add project-mapping menu hidden (89c95e2be, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: show sort column title (64324a507, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: project mapping (66aa47bfb, GuoLiBin6)
- clouduser: delete extra title in clouduser (bdaaf13c5, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: close vminstance filter(vmem_size & disk) (3c2d75733, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: fix osselect imageselect (2db84ef08, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: restore arch column (c81e9f8f9, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: adjust echart (10a47262b, GuoLiBin6)
- k8s: show detail list (1e0973ac9, GuoLiBin6)
- navbar: change notifyPopover visiable (373c0a2e8, GuoLiBin6)
- projectmapping: modify detail sidepage (d10a08e1f, GuoLiBin6)
- projectmapping: modify tags validate when the tags value is undefined (7545e5b28, GuoLiBin6)
- sku: add sku update default checked (fcb1ec962, GuoLiBin6)
- vminstance: modify Cumpute vminstance label (7e21cdacf, dongliping)
Code Refactoring (1)
Feature (21)
- request list without details first and then with details (df38c3bc3, Qiu Jian)
- support Google OIDC IDP (276076512, Qiu Jian)
- add a eip sidepage to server (e7577fd66, Qiu Jian)
- bill: add budget tags (7fdcd399c, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: config router (ab9b2ecde, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: delete-pricecomparator-list-sync (034995df1, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: add project-mapping function (cf24e6ed8, GuoLiBin6)
- clouduser: add Cloud Account in SamluserList (ff20d6ae9, root)
- compute: fix compute datadisk type (929ff5000, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: add delete disk&instance options (8e1bdc19a, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: add #vm sort (ded830de7, GuoLiBin6)
- cumpute: add cumpute vminstance filter (7de0f1825, 郭丽斌)
- dashboard: add quota sort (7e55548b3, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: add dashboard metric url (a7b6628c0, GuoLiBin6)
- host: add host vm sortable (e8ccb17d1, GuoLiBin6)
- scope: config menu list (a407d110f, GuoLiBin6)
- scope: fix feishu verify (4ecaeeefd, GuoLiBin6)
- scope: smaluser action (903489452, GuoLiBin6)
- system: add project instance snapshots (f12ebd543, GuoLiBin6)
- tag: expend tagcolumn (659ae641d, GuoLiBin6)
- vminstance: modify default checked on deletevm (ecfbbd99c, GuoLiBin6)
Features (106)
- add back index time (2dc3d4150, mj)
- update font (1c57393a9, dongliping)
- update icon (936a33545, dongliping)
- update ui style (c410209da, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- update params and i18n (e4e3e79d7, dongliping)
- add cdn (38b850bc1, Qu Xuan)
- remove refresh (aa91e70f8, mj)
- update menu icon and refresh i18n (bc7591f81, mj)
- update dashbord icon (fc4f2a237, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- update logo (5bc780059, mj)
- server data mac loading (75c64e167, mj)
- server data sync loading (6d338ab48, mj)
- page list column data loading (ebaf44040, mj)
- server data sync loading (dca0bfa70, mj)
- add hcso (a6afbecb4, Qu Xuan)
- add github PR template (b9e7c5360, Zexi Li)
- update openeuler image icon (5ef85d9fa, mj)
- add bill global config (e55fa1c35, mj)
- hidden yaml tpl (edb89bab3, mj)
- add kafka (44e02e9b6, Qu Xuan)
- 支持数据自定义处理 (3380b684b, mj)
- RDS、REDIS列表增加状态统计 (0f65ec993, mj)
- remove component register (88541309b, mj)
- update 计算模块资源增加状态统计条 (e435f5b9a, mj)
- 物理机列表增加状态统计 (2b11d93ad, mj)
- webapp只有选择azure平台展示及UI策略支持 (dd7b05c13, mj)
- add elastic search (033930880, Qu Xuan)
- update webapp (d12afda42, mj)
- add webapp icon (5488a1c4e, mj)
- update webapp i18n (0996f4a0a, mj)
- update webapp (b4644f87e, mj)
- add webapp (b2e6a35ad, mj)
- support ext tag control (9a6fffc05, mj)
- host add statistics (baecdd9cd, mj)
- add baremetal statics (9ede67a5e, mj)
- update nav projects (adba89149, mj)
- 优化下拉选择框在内容过多时无法有效查看信息 (87b4f765d, mj)
- 二次定价支持对账单类型进行限制 (b3cbcc04e, mj)
- add cloudpods (a2066d098, Qu Xuan)
- add external_id support (e8c09d942, mj)
- BaseDialog: add dialog drag (503bf5b13, mj)
- Cloudaccount: add jdcloud support bill (dd1c25be7, mj)
- Cloudenv: 只有管理后台下展示提示信息 (fe7206b4c, mj)
- Compute: vm addbackup add forcast (e3b717695, mj)
- Compute: server list action add permission (8c9462cfc, mj)
- Compute: vm transfer add forcast (b3b8787d2, mj)
- Compute: update transfer host i18n (aba1be9f0, mj)
- Compute: vm addbackup add forcast (d6afc0512, mj)
- Compute/SnapshotPolicy: #2608 快照策略批量关联硬盘 (42721986f, mj)
- Compute/snapshotpolicy: 快照策略批量关联硬盘参数处理 (d793f1a09, mj)
- Host/Storage: add single actions in host sidepage storage (fc1f2b416, mj)
- Logo: 开源版logo替换为cloudpod的logo (479233f99, mj)
- Network: add vlan id filter (78e52272a, mj)
- OcSelect: update OcSelect Component (ee603a86f, mj)
- OcSelect: add OcSelect component (8bd922bc3, mj)
- OcSelect: add OcSelect component (240e5eafe, mj)
- OcSelect: update OcSelelct Component (1180ba9d2, mj)
- OcTerm: 优化CloudShell拖拽卡顿问题 (68f3aca18, mj)
- OcTerm: update octerm (f3217ed51, mj)
- OcTerm: update octerm style (acb87a0c7, mj)
- Page: change website title (af5e69b81, mj)
- ProjectMapping: update sync policy support bind subscription (10904a80d, mj)
- ProjectMapping: sync policysupport bind subscription (05f637e7c, mj)
- ProjectMapping: update sync policy support bind subscription (f669a5b7f, mj)
- ProjectMapping: update sync policy support bind subscription (2d3da9ab5, mj)
- ResStatusTab: 列表返回各状态的资源数量,方便用户统计、分析 (0eb8491ad, mj)
- ResStatusTab: update interface (465c96c58, mj)
- ResStatusTab: update res status tab (3fe2cabe7, mj)
- ResStatusTab: update i18n (517d4591f, mj)
- ServerNetwork: support i18n (399519a64, mj)
- ServerNetwork: 调整主机创建网络部分使用OcSelect组件 (3910c79a9, mj)
- Tag: add identity tag (e0c2a033d, mj)
- Tag: add permission support (959899425, mj)
- TagDetailColumn: add permission support (921820fd0, mj)
- TagFilter: 标签增加优化,支持选择同一个key不同的value (6aa731864, mj)
- TagSelect: #3087 标签的复杂搜索,支持contains, startswith, endswith, not (f22c9e83f, mj)
- TagSelect: support min-width (99c53985a, mj)
- bill: adjust bill currency opts (c1ba19afb, GuoLiBin6)
- bill: add suggestion i18n (63f6a2a69, mj)
- build: add makefile (df73e8563, Zexi Li)
- cloudaccount: add account filter (b43816589, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudaccount: account column add cloudprovider (c3d4b8105, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudaccount: jdcloud account support bill tasks (d2a68b0ba, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv: cloudprovider support delete (ae18c87c4, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudenv,monitor: update receivers params for domain mode (a757f7d6e, mj)
- cloudenv,monitor: update receivers params for domain mode (1077e6a78, mj)
- compute: support modify disk driver and cache mode (a2158afca, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: add medium_type for kvm local disk (164766708, GuoLiBin6)
- compute, network: add action permission (2cb451784, mj)
- constants: add exchange rate status in i18n (9f9973763, GuoLiBin6)
- curency: 巴西币种支持 (19c46c9b4, mj)
- currency: 增加全局币种映射常量 (49a63cc59, mj)
- dashboard: add userinfo panel (2822e97e7, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: modify currency opts (d7a852449, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: modify more to icon (d575558ea, GuoLiBin6)
- db: add mongodb (206f9fa13, GuoLiBin6)
- github: update PR template (957ba0274, Zexi Li)
- i18n: 移动云文案处理 (0233046dd, mj)
- i18n: vm instance (5fa763e39, mj)
- image: update web-base image to v3.6.1 (f7a3a8171, Zexi Li)
- monitor: temperature monitor (a3846e9e8, Zexi Li)
- monitor: extend alert record (464584b8f, GuoLiBin6)
- network: show waf resource name (4aee8586c, GuoLiBin6)
- rds: rds recovery (6d07beb61, GuoLiBin6)
- readme: update README (995cb0c5b, Zexi Li)
- suggestion: update i18n (c0f764afe, mj)
Fit (1)
Optimized (1)
Others (245)
- 华为云Stack删除主机同时删除硬盘等 (3bd42d76a, GuoLiBin6)
- rds details page add hcso (fc121340c, tb365)
- 恢复磁贴限制 (f412d0cc1, GuoLiBin6)
- 调整首页样式 (98c2ce015, GuoLiBin6)
- hcso create vm add cloudprovider (d08647051, tb365)
- image overview summary (eee1d628c, tb365)
- image list add getOsTypeFilter (1667ed392, tb365)
- basic monitor chart add mem used percent (000f63534, tb365)
- robots label (9a79341d4, tb365)
- 修磁贴内容多溢出问题 (e77d123b7, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor query data add limit offset (73944184f, tb365)
- monitor query data add limit offset (702dd3d33, tb365)
- SshProxyCreateForm change name to generate_name (2346a0ebe, tb365)
- add pe zh docs (b230ee870, tb365)
- monitoroverview watch scope change (4a60e08e2, tb365)
- batch install agent (7f8c43de3, tb365)
- update setup ssh form (0a533b8ff, tb365)
- add capacity (7fd17a97b, tb365)
- 调整dashboard磁贴样式 (82d6b3b7c, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改MongoDB备份列表展示 (383e42ca9, GuoLiBin6)
- ajust config fix (73b708a0d, tb365)
- add default dns setting (74ff22165, tb365)
- 添加资源翻译 (9783a697c, GuoLiBin6)
- add route (7649a191a, tb365)
- add cloudgroup for huaweicloudstack (e6970cc20, tb365)
- server price compare fix (a2d6e78bc, tb365)
- adjust config fix (6901644b3, tb365)
- 修复硬盘操作对华为私有云平台的验证 (ccb44aa4c, GuoLiBin6)
- add route for hcso (5dd4ed2d7, tb365)
- 修复编排-虚拟机实例无数据时默认值问题 (4ffb3fe23, GuoLiBin6)
- object download (6e299d470, tb365)
- huawei private cloud adjust config (18db04bf7, tb365)
- 调整mongodb实例类型 (17f7f5b4f, GuoLiBin6)
- mongodb去除访问方式 (b4687e0a1, GuoLiBin6)
- huawei cloud stack fix (3ada6adc5, tb365)
- huawei cloud stack fix (bf84e43c0, tb365)
- huawei private resources create actions (1728c7c52, tb365)
- 修复个人信息查询权限 (29876ba11, GuoLiBin6)
- 价格清单添加新建按钮 (b3ba10353, GuoLiBin6)
- MongoDB优化 (b368efbe1, GuoLiBin6)
- add huawei private cloud account create page (43b82d342, tb365)
- fix the secend fetch (8f56e9614, GuoLiBin6)
- 个人信息磁贴添加域 (2f91ee4cb, GuoLiBin6)
- feat(#2212): 新建主机时,选择平台,过滤相应的宿主机,用宿主机的网络来过滤可用的虚拟机网络 (b39bb3ea5, mj)
- totp qr image display fix (bb8e12315, tb365)
- 关联本地用户必填验证 (cbe06dc59, GuoLiBin6)
- 新建免密登录用户,默认显示自己 (a3eb90d21, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改英文翻译 (e134cdbc9, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改备份列表 (a63152632, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改文案大小写 (fa6e5a670, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改文案 (44de8c22e, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改文案 (a4aab36a8, GuoLiBin6)
- 尝试解决ext标签过滤问题 (bf0e637f3, GuoLiBin6)
- baremetal install agent (d03390e8f, tb365)
- cloudshell fix (3b0758220, tb365)
- 调整批量操作验证顺序 (b571454ff, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改云订阅删除验证顺序及提示文案 (bec13cd44, GuoLiBin6)
- 云订阅启用禁用添加弹框提示 (133de038e, GuoLiBin6)
- 修复多币种对控制面板的影响 (5281fa97a, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加云订阅删除的Azure平台限制 (f98c2e5b0, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加定时器清除,修改跳转地址 (1f30ed048, GuoLiBin6)
- 修复错误页因未跳转出现倒计时负数问题 (b3c93de74, GuoLiBin6)
- fix vue.config.js path errror (a2938cf39, tb365)
- disable google translator (3f6972ca4, tb365)
- import vue config from scope dictionary (3f2251453, tb365)
- 为top5磁贴添加跳转 (c01ba5fbf, GuoLiBin6)
- waf策略 (a0927629a, GuoLiBin6)
- waf条件 (305a31405, GuoLiBin6)
- dictionary add jenkins (b42378ef2, tb365)
- Adjust the order (73c201a75, tb365)
- add notify topic page (e793f6d9c, tb365)
- waf-statement (28e90b1b0, GuoLiBin6)
- translations fix (c420001d7, tb365)
- kvm install agent fix (06cd85fcb, tb365)
- summary-cards style fix (fddb5b85c, tb365)
- host overview card fix (95a46df08, tb365)
- overview card histogram chart fix (aa39a187c, tb365)
- host overview card fix (69eb67ca6, tb365)
- 忽略证书错误 (66a8e925f, tb365)
- alert history chart fix (a54f9711e, tb365)
- monitor overview card fix (9b2aea9fc, tb365)
- temp (3f503c564, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor alert contact channel fix (1251f4154, tb365)
- overview card fix (1c6cfd441, tb365)
- azure listener show front ip (5ddc7e42a, tb365)
- update 通知渠道设置 (a4258fc40, mj)
- 修改同步策略详情页icon (0fd6421dd, GuoLiBin6)
- license fix (96b375bcf, tb365)
- 去除误添加的公共tablefilter (bd0a91dbc, GuoLiBin6)
- 扩展列表搜索,添加资源类型搜索条件 (2b08440ae, GuoLiBin6)
- rds jdcloud monitor (201b1c21c, tb365)
- support azure elb sync (f59fb2528, tb365)
- vminstance monitor chart fix (bce15bfcd, tb365)
- fetch monitor pannel fix (9379fd99a, tb365)
- 列表扩展 (b2777b228, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor diskip chart fix (3e85a0f5a, tb365)
- commonalerts update fix (0e501211e, tb365)
- agent_diskio add selectFunction (5d3df9feb, tb365)
- agent_diskio add selectFunction (bb9e3379c, tb365)
- vminstance detail monitor page update (9efa39906, tb365)
- fix count error (cedd6b5c5, mj)
- monitor ring chart event fix (124e21ecf, tb365)
- update metric alert database fix (02579280c, tb365)
- add res status tab (86afe36ae, mj)
- adjust system route order (9c439d75a, tb365)
- vminstall basic info add agent install status (d622aa0a0, tb365)
- lbcert status icon fix (132bcf629, tb365)
- add features icons (f2ff3c2c7, tb365)
- 修改验证 (693970f93, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor overview add resource summary (557764696, tb365)
- 权限-扩展按钮权限验证 (c024b850f, GuoLiBin6)
- support license v4.0 (5600db04b, tb365)
- 修改磁贴展示金额单位 (ca4fda900, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改-资源消费占比磁贴首次添加不展示问题 (619541868, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改云账号-azure/aws-billing_scpte未选择时默认为managed (34633db39, GuoLiBin6)
- 多币种 (7a16c90c0, GuoLiBin6)
- 默认改为all (fcd47d85a, GuoLiBin6)
- 云账号-更新账单文件-azure添加账单分析范围 (906110481, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改磁贴位置 (6ae29fcfb, GuoLiBin6)
- 修复云账号详情页启用禁用 (299bd9130, GuoLiBin6)
- lbacl source ip desc fix (9c978e9b5, tb365)
- lb style update (9d1e860cd, tb365)
- add jd cloud docs link (e4ed9ddc1, tb365)
- install agent pe help link fix (4379e1d29, tb365)
- contact page update (e7610bf05, tb365)
- Update README-CN.md (45b25b6e3, Jian Qiu)
- Update README.md (64b5fb16b, Jian Qiu)
- 宿主机.云账号添加 删除 启用 禁用后同步刷新云资源信息 (118f1bafd, GuoLiBin6)
- 拆分导出的列表项 (371f467b4, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改宿主机及物理机导出列 (d3210da64, GuoLiBin6)
- 调整磁贴展示 (c7a44f8d5, GuoLiBin6)
- 样式 (0e22853fe, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加虚拟机关机不收费 (5bdd65183, GuoLiBin6)
- 调换磁贴位置 (738b88ef7, GuoLiBin6)
- 费用添加负数说明 (492ed5381, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改磁贴权限 (1e6a9f90a, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加云账号健康状态磁贴 (b1d551740, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改过滤条件 (14f4b9c5d, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加近30天告警与消费趋势柱状图 (8fb4a0c6a, GuoLiBin6)
- change network select helplink style (899eafaf1, tb365)
- 添加磁贴饼图 (27f4fbac2, GuoLiBin6)
- redis&rds network select fix (6c7c41a6f, tb365)
- 修改磁盘-已挂载的磁盘-扩容接口 (cf5ad4c65, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加平台-列的排序筛选项 (cd1dc0b9a, GuoLiBin6)
- fix:移动云文案修改 (0363f0996, dongliping)
- server price compare fix (2d46d734d, tb365)
- redis&rds network select add helplink (e7906fca5, tb365)
- base select add projects (a70df8e85, tb365)
- monitor line chart display fix (919fb0767, tb365)
- change jd cloud logo (bdbd5f4f6, tb365)
- support jd cloud (512d589c0, tb365)
- 修复-删除虚拟机参数丢失 (5d9d3d518, GuoLiBin6)
- 更新提示 (77aee97a1, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改匹配条件提示文案 (a931177a9, GuoLiBin6)
- loadbalancer listener rule add domain column (0a7ecba28, tb365)
- 详情页-标签扩展 (c368452a3, GuoLiBin6)
- price comparator fix (ab366837f, tb365)
- 添加匹配条件的默认值 (baf59ce95, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加标签支持修改 (216a92dfc, GuoLiBin6)
- common alert add default chart name (d9af982c8, tb365)
- dashboard chart save add default name (939d38db2, tb365)
- lbcert cache add common name & subject_alternative_names (8dc759cc8, tb365)
- 添加新建匹配条件的默认值 (030ae41db, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加已绑定云账号不可选中 (0d9f7b8b8, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加详情页操作组 (705af9ef3, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改标签key 修改规则删除保留之前的分割线 添加规则-规则管理的跳转 (415a6017d, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改-同步策略-更新-标签反显问题 (50825f457, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改同步策略删除时的提示文案 (a6f307295, GuoLiBin6)
- 添加标签个数限制及删除规则 (8393a4b15, GuoLiBin6)
- 优化 (41cfce0a0, GuoLiBin6)
- add month & year price (23c66a205, tb365)
- monitor query add metric translations for storage (3aa286521, tb365)
- monitor table add storage_name (f1dc04a45, tb365)
- 删除无用文件 (b909527e9, GuoLiBin6)
- 规则列支持扩展 (c46c553e0, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改过滤状态 (262daf990, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor query add metric translations for storage (21c1eb7c4, TangBin)
- create ucloud account support subaccount (b05adc214, TangBin)
- lbcert add is complete (11fd1b2e7, TangBin)
- dashboard table sort fix (d5ad62d6c, TangBin)
- dashboard default name fix (6ccbd5b4d, TangBin)
- dashboard overview table sort by number (8d1e126c3, TangBin)
- username tranlations fix (7e929dc0b, TangBin)
- ctyun not support create prepaid instance (517e24c92, TangBin)
- login chanllenge after login fix (4c73b5aef, TangBin)
- overview add event data loading (4b6b11d20, TangBin)
- delete vminstance temp (7a86ec444, GuoLiBin6)
- network list export add ports used (4870d29b6, TangBin)
- vminstall agent install fail reason (3789a8745, TangBin)
- vue router meta add propertity canRenderDefaultLayout (f3c2c2ab6, TangBin)
- network route hidden fix (2c1dc44cb, TangBin)
- monitor line chart add data smooth (731d02242, TangBin)
- scopedpolicybindings update (d766c6c04, TangBin)
- scopedpolicybindings update (375975317, TangBin)
- monitor line chart add scale (cb42876cb, TangBin)
- monitor line chart add scale (c0213b0ea, TangBin)
- monitor dashboard chart scope fix (3b01cc3cd, TangBin)
- rejust monitor ssh agent menus order (0a9bff721, TangBin)
- add agent trans (4320c888d, TangBin)
- line chart title fix (170deb576, TangBin)
- sys disk default size fix (9b0054b14, TangBin)
- image select image arch fix (7fd89fc19, TangBin)
- add price info scope (ef9209cb4, bistuzx)
- image select image arch fix (6379cd342, TangBin)
- fix disk price (8f1b5ec6d, bistuzx)
- image select image arch ifx (32ca51a3f, TangBin)
- add tooltips for ssh proxy endpoint create form (7b010238d, TangBin)
- domain project select fix (0a4026288, tangbin)
- hidden common alert tips while scope is projct (d5f0172c2, TangBin)
- public cloud image filter add os_arch (c0aeff014, TangBin)
- instance price comparator fix (161063116, TangBin)
- 修改成本优化英文 (ed88f6359, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改图标 (e3e9c3175, GuoLiBin6)
- global search hidden menus fix (9beb18e46, TangBin)
- setup altert for monitor charts fix (47a197904, TangBin)
- install agent form i18n fix (78879605e, TangBin)
- server-price-comparator capability fix (a66d57ebd, TangBin)
- update help link (77aae4aed, TangBin)
- windows not support install agent (75f477c80, TangBin)
- change security optimization to security inspection (d16aeb1d9, bistuzx)
- username tips fix (3571cba85, TangBin)
- sku add column cpu arch (7e75edef9, TangBin)
- setup ssh username tips (11b5e2a0f, TangBin)
- dashboard database fix (c28977081, TangBin)
- exporer dashboard create name repeated fix (6176348d3, TangBin)
- disk create domain fix (5a4921c63, TangBin)
- monitor dashboard domain select style fix (f9fbaf124, TangBin)
- ssh setup proxy validator fix (5b3986788, TangBin)
- ssh setup proxy validator fix (b6c6f7d7d, TangBin)
- add bucket not found warning to cloudaccount (2936567d0, bistuzx)
- domain fix (e7fd07451, TangBin)
- create monitor dashboard chart fix (cefa31628, TangBin)
- ssh proxy bugfix (b635bc564, TangBin)
- add proxy endpoint list tips (7962863c9, TangBin)
- add dock (72b6d31a6, TangBin)
- cloudproxy match scope vpc/network fetch (a9017ecee, TangBin)
- remove ssh proxy domain filter (dfa565fcc, TangBin)
- create ssh proxy title fix (b7758050e, TangBin)
- add ssh proxy batch delete (11ccb8724, TangBin)
- remove dashboard chart name repeat check (e294187e6, TangBin)
- hidden monitor dashboard fix (f5ee20081, TangBin)
- support ssh proxy (08d8fd008, tangbin)
- fix conflict (ea8839f26, mj)
- temp commit 20201231 (4b904a5e8, tangbin)
- temp (96b51ccff, tangbin)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps
25 commits to kubecomps - v3.8.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (12)
- build: embed heml pkgs remove it (36636f7, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: grafana inject system dashboard when ingress used (be9ac29, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: chart_ignores use regexp (3fbcb9c, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: clean up zombies (b94dc0c, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm release resource object’s name and id missed (4fab9e2, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm release resource list (b1a59d2, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm repo remove (73df2be, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm add repo already exists error (f3bd5c7, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: import cluster input data unmarshal error (1c70127, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: make system cluster resource getable (ed024dd, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: sync cluster not fatal (d74b7d9, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: cluster ca and key field nullable deleted (8da6044, Zexi Li)
Features (13)
- build: go generate use vendor (e172ef3, Zexi Li)
- build: support arm64 build (6715da6, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: resources limits for component (6d94271, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: monitor component support disable (cc00d34, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: update system cluster components setting (10839d5, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: add monitor minio component (ad81bbf, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: sync telegraf dashboard to system grafana (529615e, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: add cluster precheck api (98c8d8a, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: change configuration of minio (3e7aeff, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: chart ignores options (f488734, Zexi Li)
- readme: add readme (b245c65, Zexi Li)
- readme: add build steps (39bdda4, Zexi Li)
- repo: repo url allow updated (51bbedd, Zexi Li)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/notify-plugins
5 commits to notify-plugins - v3.8.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (3)
- build: build arm64 image (4a11361, Zexi Li)
- workwx: no user exist (41dc5d9, rainzm)
- worwx: return correctly when fetch contact (08c831e, rainzm)
Features (2)
- adds domain attributes for notify config (77e72b7, rainzm)
- be compatible with notify’s change to support international mobile (caaa6ed, rainzm)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocadm
13 commits to ocadm - v3.8.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (7)
- set operator imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent (96432152, Zexi Li)
- cluster: update vendor make build pass (76a69b52, Zexi Li)
- cluster: set OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN of cluster auth info (1096cccd, Zexi Li)
- git: 切分支例行更新 version tag (b7a01634, Zhang Dongliang)
- k8s,keepalived: 解决 k8s 高可用集群在部署时无法获取 nodeip 的问题 (1536c295, Zhang Dongliang)
- keepalived: 解决 高可用架构部署的默认网卡传递参数问题 (676a3640, Zhang Dongliang)
- preflight: more accurate of mysql grant error (df3afb6c, Zexi Li)
Features (4)
- build: 增加arm 下编译 ocadm deb 的步骤(make deb); 统一跨平台metrics-server 的 tag 名称;升级 k8s-sidecar 到 0.1.275 (d672ebef, Zhang Dongliang)
- calico,k8s,ovn: 部置calico-node时调整默认配置提升ovn隧道流量的性能 (c4a14ec8, Zhang Dongliang)
- keepalived,ha: 新增 keepalived_interface 变量支持,以便在安装高可用多网卡情况下支持非默认网卡绑定 vip (866ef392, Zhang Dongliang)
- longhorn: support migrate to source pvc from longhorn pvc (2df20ecb, wanyaoqi)
Misc (1)
Others (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/sdnagent
13 commits to sdnagent - v3.8.0 since this release.
Agent (1)
- ovn: ensure iptables fastpath for geneve traffics (352547cc, Yousong Zhou)
Bug Fixes (2)
- tc: aware of ingress qdisc (06a02442, Zexi Li)
- tcman: delete all qdiscs before batch replace (9f4715c9, Zexi Li)
Build (2)
- note on deploying ovs, ovn components (246ce3ea, Yousong Zhou)
- reword README.md for deploying eipgw (a71f02ef, Yousong Zhou)
Features (1)
Flowsource (1)
- allow conntrack invalid packets (f2e212ea, Yousong Zhou)
Others (3)
- ovn-md: ovnMdServer: local origNs (a3b8eae7, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn-md: ovnMdServer: fix logging typo on Stop (bf4efbc8, Yousong Zhou)
- .circleci: go test with “-mod vendor” (f59f4169, Yousong Zhou)
Ovn (1)
- mapped: fix possible traffic loop across different vpcs (b8c2af6f, Yousong Zhou)
Utils (1)
- guest: ignore “secgroup” or “secgroups” (394ccc0d, Yousong Zhou)
Vendor (1)
- bump to current tip of release/3.7 (bf49b2d0, Yousong Zhou)
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