
发布时间 2021-05-12 16:45:43


仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods

953 commits to cloudpods - v3.7.0 since this release.

Ansibleserver (2)

Apigateway (3)

Apihelper (1)

Bug Fixes (565)

Bugfix (3)

Build (13)

Chore (5)

Climc (7)

Cloudprovider (2)

Cloudproxy (18)

Code Refactoring (16)

Db (8)

Db_dispatcher (3)

Etcd (1)

Feature (7)

Features (186)

Guest_deploy_task (1)

Guests (3)

Hostman (2)

Keystone (1)

Locales (4)

Mcclient (3)

Multicloud (12)

Networkaddresses (6)

Networks (4)

Optimized (1)

Others (34)

Procutils (4)

Refact (1)

Region (18)

Regions (1)

Schedtags (1)

Treewide (1)

Util (1)

Validators (1)

Vendor (5)

Vpcagent (9)


仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator

42 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.7.0 since this release.

Apigateway (2)

Bug Fixes (15)

Bugfix (1)

Chore (2)

Defaults (1)

Feature (1)

Features (11)

Others (6)

Vendor (2)

Web (1)


仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-service-operator

1 commits to cloudpods-service-operator - v3.7.0 since this release.

Features (1)


仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard

847 commits to dashboard - v3.7.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (242)

Bugfix (7)

Feat (3)

  • 3.7: #3042 巴西反馈优化,value搜索没有值就直接消失了,应该为空 (01e89e706, mj)
  • 3.7: #2812 控制面板 save and cancel 的按钮样式放大一些,意外退出提示保存 (45b11a95a, mj)
  • 3.7: #2811 创建机器时 订阅选择 显示相应的云账号 (427a32eee, mj)

Feature (24)

Features (75)

Fix (13)

  • 3.7: #7257 创建云联壹云平台虚拟机,高级配置->调度策略中不应该有“指定云订阅” (f8cf9e717, mj)
  • 3.7: #7065 规则配置与建议列表 建议降配的虚拟机的规则字段 没有翻译对 (8f133a1e1, mj)
  • 3.7: #7021 云账号详情资源统计中“对象存储容量”单位错误 (9c5939bd2, mj)
  • 3.7: #7017 控制面板、监控大屏 本月支出可下降空间百分比显示错误 (098777307, mj)
  • 3.7: #6975 云账号鼠标悬停信息去掉 (52ce93206, mj)
  • 3.7: dashboard top5 (c9e0bc49e, mj)
  • 3.7: #6943 控制面板:费用优化切换币种后数据不准确 (39f0608e3, mj)
  • 3.7: #6914 backport 到最早版本 云账号-更新账单文件信息回显有误 (81d7834bc, mj)
  • 3.7: #6886 新建弹性伸缩组时修改最大实例数时期望和最小实例数不应该联动修改 (9d4f34782, mj)
  • 3.7: #6865 控制面板优化建议相关的磁贴的设置条件中币种的值按照实际有的账单类型取 (167904c5e, mj)
  • 3.7: #6765 虚拟机有3个IP,页面只暂时2个,优化MAC信息展示 (64fadabf8, mj)
  • 3.7: #6765 虚拟机有3个IP,页面只暂时2个,优化MAC信息展示 (5bcecd57a, mj)
  • 3.7: #6825 虚拟机调整配置-费用估算价格没有正常查到 (3a834b776, mj)

I18n (134)

Optimized (2)

Others (338)

Vminstance (6)


仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps

14 commits to kubecomps - v3.7.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (9)

Features (5)


仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/notify-plugins

3 commits to notify-plugins - v3.7.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (1)

Features (2)

  • be compatible with notify’s change to support international mobile (0e0d80a, rainzm)
  • robot: support mutli WebhookPrefix (34f7ebf, rainzm)


仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocadm

13 commits to ocadm - v3.7.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (7)

Chore (2)

Features (3)

  • build: 增加arm 下编译 ocadm deb 的步骤(make deb); 统一跨平台metrics-server 的 tag 名称;升级 k8s-sidecar 到 0.1.275 (66e7726a, Zhang Dongliang)
  • keepalived,ha: 新增 keepalived_interface 变量支持,以便在安装高可用多网卡情况下支持非默认网卡绑定 vip (146d04af, Zhang Dongliang)
  • longhorn: support migrate to source pvc from longhorn pvc (46d1f113, wanyaoqi)

Others (1)


仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/sdnagent

39 commits to sdnagent - v3.7.0 since this release.

Agent (5)

Build (4)

Features (1)

Flowsource (2)

Others (8)

Ovn (1)

Server (1)

Tc (6)

Tcman (1)

Treewide (1)

Utils (5)

Vendor (4)