发布时间 2023-01-05 00:16:35
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods
38 commits to cloudpods - v3.9.6 since this release.
Bug Fixes (36)
- usb tablet not function for windows 10 guest (3d4fe99db0, Qiu Jian)
- limit roles that a user join a project (b44a4027a9, Qiu Jian)
- prefer id over name when fetching owner id (#15592) (a6b6ec2847, Jian Qiu)
- guests short desc add status (#15614) (ca7984dd2e, Jian Qiu)
- host init before auth (39f72c63ad, Qiu Jian)
- esxi virtualmachine missing datastore property at release/3.9 (1a71367c3c, QIU Jian)
- baremetal: mac address of BMC not found (6b961d72a1, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: update base image to v0.3.9 (#15597) (c5a3c0802f, Zexi Li)
- climc: add server option cloudpods (141b49c855, mhf)
- cloudid: huawei saml user name (018f66c05e, ioito)
- cloudid: support custom saml user name (#15513) (3f174a30cc, 屈轩)
- cloudid: vender update (ca63bc7a9e, ioito)
- cloudmon: ignore empty metric error (25ae8b8f88, ioito)
- cloudmon: add 3.9 cloudpods GetMetric (6c3802e1f9, mhf)
- common: optimized metadata list (#15531) (686b080a83, 屈轩)
- common: limit request (c99cc9bfe1, ioito)
- host: use drive backup sync backup disks (#15618) (e370f5df82, wanyaoqi)
- host: ceph util timeout (#15517) (f27d3cfb98, wanyaoqi)
- host: update host wire with mac addr (#15502) (b5e6e6be8b, wanyaoqi)
- host: don’t set ovs interface external id on migrating (#15499) (d716ef73f9, wanyaoqi)
- notify: add some template and notification (#15670) (6557b6a6d6, gouqi11)
- region: sync vm hostname with ascii (#15564) (208c3c30be, 屈轩)
- region: vender update (0296b0fc2e, ioito)
- region: use qcow2 format on raw disk cache image (#15549) (7a57a2ba85, wanyaoqi)
- region: fixModelartsCidrDiffBetweenHuaweiAndHCSO (f0b2866041, mhf)
- region: openstack api version (95a0bcd0fc, ioito)
- region: hostname sync (#15659) (a85c17a64b, 屈轩)
- region: system disk storage type (8a65831764, ioito)
- region: vender update (#15561) (443c42c606, 屈轩)
- region: vender update (243160a3a0, ioito)
- region: fix sync project bug and add climc choices (039c0ad6e9, mhf)
- region,host: backup guest refactor (a54d49136f, wanyaoqi)
- region,host: fix some bugs of server disk change storage (14a033c289, wanyaoqi)
- scheduler: reduce calculation of storage’s free_capacity (dc2b2da5cd, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: do migrate checking when hypervisor is not esxi (a61f93c8d8, Zexi Li)
- webconsole: not get pod info when fetchK8sEnv (540e5d3d16, Zexi Li)
Optimize (1)
- scheduler: reduce calculation of network free address (#15594) (ad78e0b030, Zexi Li)
Others (1)
- Automated cherry pick of #15475: fix(host): convert migrate set downtime value to float64 (#15477) (bfe23a659b, wanyaoqi)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
7 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.9.6 since this release.
Bug Fixes (6)
- stop services recreate daemonset (47b6e7c2, Zexi Li)
- glance: set enable_remote_executor to false when ProductVersion is CMP (8081401e, Zexi Li)
- operator: not remove cloud affinity of esxi-agent (0af4d259, Zexi Li)
- operator: components of kubserver use oc.spec.imageRepository (27dd9049, Zexi Li)
- operator: telegraf component uses release-1.19.2-1 tag which contains tini as entrypoint (46ceb58d, Zexi Li)
- operator: remove created pvc of esxi-agent (e3659d2c, Zexi Li)
Features (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard
27 commits to dashboard - v3.9.6 since this release.
Bug Fixes (14)
- 回收站状态列不显示查看日志 (365d84c8f, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- monitor unit scale error (28dac543d, GuoLiBin6)
- status error view log (9ec61e413, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- #8693 rds set config error (0caca729a, GuoLiBin6)
- #8717 change vminstance detail cmdline place (3e93a287c, GuoLiBin6)
- #8712 挂在iso镜像后,详情页iso镜像对应显示为空 (2af12e82e, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- #8715 vminstance switch to backup add auto start param (84f08c21c, GuoLiBin6)
- #8711 vminstance sidepage detail lost statusTableColumn (601f4a60b, GuoLiBin6)
- i18n error (1cf16133b, GuoLiBin6)
- #8649 vminstance sidepage policy check (5a76459f4, GuoLiBin6)
- #8592 baremetal action check for status admin (799763bed, GuoLiBin6)
- #8697 shceduled task set time error (813517420, GuoLiBin6)
- unit transer function error (3c132d055, GuoLiBin6)
- k8s: use cluster_id as log params (f3e513837, Zexi Li)
Features (11)
- 存储桶增加资源状态概览 (7810846ab, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 更新资源状态Key值 (ef9a7b377, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- #3721 LB资源增加状态概览 (34adb8a2d, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- #4093 blockstorage set schedtag(multiple) (3a885af74, GuoLiBin6)
- #4082 cloudaccount detail add lake_of_permissions export (79b5de355, GuoLiBin6)
- #4093 blockstorage detail add schedtag info (9aec0c240, GuoLiBin6)
- #3735 主机模块状态为失败时,增加查看日志的快捷入口 (25f1336c9, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- #4093 storage support set schedtag (multiple) (26e980910, GuoLiBin6)
- #4077 compute add backup info (f50c94e9b, GuoLiBin6)
- create samluser do not checkek account status (de05c1466, GuoLiBin6)
- 3735: 网络模块状态为失败时,增加查看日志的快捷入口 (1cedf8cb9, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
Others (2)
- feat(DB#3735): 数据库模块状态为失败时,增加查看日志的快捷入口 (73ed15350, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- feat(storage#3735): 存储模块状态为失败时,增加查看日志的快捷入口 (710ef3c8d, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps
8 commits to kubecomps - v3.9.6 since this release.
Bug Fixes (6)
- kubeserver: imported cluster’s status is always running (cb4e4cd4, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: minio and thanos should follow disableResourceManagement (4164cc40, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: components image repository (da145588, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: local-path-csi use v0.0.22 (9b6a2e6b, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: 1.17 offline support (2803dad6, Zexi Li)
- kubespray: k8s 1.17 docker-ce and containerd version (aa251b1f, Zexi Li)
Features (2)
- offline support (cdd858b7, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: sync service-monitor dashboard to system grafana (2f6e9677, silence)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocboot
16 commits to ocboot - v3.9.6 since this release.
Bug Fixes (13)
- update version to 3.9.5 (5095d7a, Qiu Jian)
- chart: update operator tag (c5aa0e2, Zexi Li)
- chart: installation failed when CRD exists (3d8d393, Zexi Li)
- chart: update operator tag to v3.9.5 (b9bbc57, Zexi Li)
- chart: update to v3.9.4 version (f3bb157, Zexi Li)
- check,hostname: 部署时检测域名是否以数字开头 (9a0e716, Zhang Dongliang)
- clickhouse: clickhouse deploy: only for centos x86 ISO (65921db, Zhang Dongliang)
- clickhouse: 解决多次重装iso导致clickhouse随机密码变更导致的问题 (68101a3, Zhang Dongliang)
- db,mariadb,pips: minor语法修正 (c46e0b4, Zhang Dongliang)
- deploy: 修正mastklen计算方式 (cf2813a, Zhang Dongliang)
- deploy,python,pips: 确保安装时存在所需的pips (ee6b071, Zhang Dongliang)
- offline,mysql,mariadb,pip: 解决离线部署mysql依赖的问题 (4e54752, Zhang Dongliang)
- reboot,kernel: 确保重启逻辑 (706ad5e, Zhang Dongliang)
Docs (1)
- image,repo: 更新文档,增加自定义image repository 的说明 (8c5dae7, Zhang Dongliang)
Features (2)
- kernel: 3.9~3.10安装新内核:5.4.130-1.yn20221208 (218b085, Zhang Dongliang)
- kernel,arm64: 升级centos arm 内核到5.4.199版本 (63223e1, Zhang Dongliang)
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